What makes a good rotation?


I've been reading the posts for different rotation suggestions. I'm fairly new to Cathe and rotations. I'd like to tone up, burn more fat, and maybe lose some weight. I currently have basic step/body fusion, low impact step/body sculpting, and KPC. Should I get a DVD such as superset/push pull and introduce that every other day with the ones I've listed above? I see rotations are for one month, how would I use these?

Also I know my eating is not as clean as it should be. I try to eat salad and veggies with lunch and dinner. Lately I've been eating more of the lean cuisine entrees for lunch, they are so convenient for work.

Thanks for mentoring!
Hi Carmen!

Thought I'd take the time to see if I can help -- you might get the book, READY, SET, GO! by Phil Campbell -- he explains in everyday language the why of rotations and the different energy systems in the body and the different muscle groups that correspond to the different energy systems -- please don't get confused by this -- really, he explains it well and I bet after reading it, you won't have any more questions.

A good rotation, however, should include the following things in a one week time period: 1)cardio/aerobics 2) strength or weight work to build up muscle and bone density 3)anaerobics (out of breath feeling, etc) to work your fast muscle fibers 4) plyometrics (jumping etc.) 5)stretching.

It's really not possible to do them all in one workout, mostly because of the different energy systems used and the fact that your muscles need a day or two between workouts to recover. It's all in the book.

I don't have some of those workouts that you mention so I can't really comment on them -- but again, if you get that book and read it -- it's sold fairly cheaply at borders.com -- you will answer your own questions, I think, and that's always a good feeling.

Almost all of Cathe's step workouts contain cardio and plyometrics -- and the workouts that I have that I know have anaerobics are the Interval Max workouts Interval Max, IMAX2, IMAX3 -- they are advanced workouts -- I think KPC also has some interval drills, which I know kick me into the anaerobics zone.

Hope this helps, but truly if you are confused (as I was when I first started) get and read the book, READY, SET, GO! by Phil Campbell. And I think you'll be able to make your own judgments on workouts.:7

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