What kind/type of weights do I need for the six pack?


Hi Cathe!

I wanted to be ready to go when the new tapes arrived....could you tell me what weights I will need? Although I have done some of your step tapes (mega step blast and wedding tape) I have not worked out with weights. I noticed in one post you mentioned a barbell was used in the six pack. Could you recommend the size of weights I will need and anything else (besides a step) that I should have before the tapes arrive?

Thanks so much and I am so excited about the new tapes!!!!

Hi Shannon!

Nice to hear from you. There really is know way to know exactly what amount of weight you will need until you actually do the exercises. Since you have never worked with weights before, I would keep your dumbell selection on the lighter side. I would say a pair of three pound dumbells (mostly for shoulder work), a pair of five and eight pound dumbells (for mostly all other upper body exercises with perhaps, back, being able to handle a set of 10 pound dumbells for one arm rows). For the leg exercises you may find that 5 and 8 pound dumbells work fine until you get stronger.

As far as a barbell is concerned, if you have the option to buy one, I would recommend it. If you cannot get one right now, then do the barbell exercises using dumbells instead.

A step, a barbell with adjustable weights, and various weighted dumbells will be all you need.

Feel free to post a question if you need help at any time during the workouts.

Enjoy your tapes!
sore wrist and popping in shoulder joints

Dear Cathe,
I hope I am posting this in the right place.
I wish I loved computers the way I do your tapes. When I use the bar bells or an increased weights my left wrist aches. I was treated for carpel tunnel with surgery years ago. I am also experiencing a popping in my shoulders. I would love some input. Thanks.
Hi Patti

Obviously, I'm not Cathe, but I'll offer a comment or two.

Be careful as you work with weights if you have had wrist problems and be sure to listen to your body. Due to my wrist problems, I am very careful to add weight slowly and to back off when something feels wrong. It helped me a lot to strengthen my wrists and forearms using exercises recommended by a physical therapist. Perhaps you can get a professional opinion for the best exercises for your situation.
Hi Patti!

Eileen has actually told you exactly what I was going to suggest for your wrists(gradually building up strength, listening to your body by backing off on the achey days, strengthening the forearms and wrists, and seeing a specialist for specific advice as well as exercises....thanks Eileen). I know quite a few people who have been treated for Carpel Tunnel. Even after surgery, wrist flare ups can occur so you really need to continuously lift weights with caution.

As for the popping in the shoulders.....while a general and light popping noise unaccompanied by pain is somewhat common and usually nothing serious, it is not fair for me to make this assumption for you. Whenever something just doesn't seem right to you, I think it is best to see a doctor and have him/her evaluate it. If it turns out that it was just nothing, at least you have your peace of mind.

But I will offer one small suggestion since you said that you feel this popping sensation during rear flys. First, lighten your weight and perform the exercise at a little slower speed. If it still pops, then stay with the light weight but change the angle of your grip. Instead of having your palms face one another at the start of the movement, turn your weights so that your palms face the back wall(still pull the weights up in the same motion you were doing for the other hand grip version).

Sometimes just changing your hand grip on an exercise will eliminate the popping noise. But of course you need to make sure that when you change a hand grip that you are still targeting the same muscle group(which in this case you are).

Good Luck with everything!
Thanks Cathe and Eileen

I was so amazed to find answers to my questions. I just love your programs Cathe.I am planning to see a doctor soon. cathe do you believe in a more protein heavy food plan or a zone plan. I cant seem to stay away from the carbs, I am so tierd of fighting this battle. I love to work out but I also love to eat. I just always feel hungry, any suggestions? Thanks a million guys!
Hi Patty!

I don't follow any "set plan". I just try to eat a balanced and healthy diet(which of course factors in some of those sweet treats too).

While this may or may not be why you are craving carbs, I just thought I would point out that many times the carb craving is related to hard workouts. They are a major fuel source during high intensity workouts(as well as anaerobic type workouts). So perhaps your body is just responding to your workouts. Just a thought.

If this craving is truly something that you feel is not the norm, then mention this to your doctor as well. Perhaps you are depleted of a particular vitimin/mineral and/or something of this nature. But obviously they are the ones that need to make this determination.

Good luck and keep us posted!

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