what kind of vitamins


Active Member
What kind of vitamins do some of you ladies take?Do you feel a differnce after taking them. I,ll be 46 next month I think i,m going thru pre-menopause and would like to know what would be a natural supplement to take.I know exercise is good and weight training. Do any of you ladies get hot flashes? if so, what do they feel like?
I am 33. I take a Multi-Vitamin, Vitamin E, B-50 and Primrose Oil daily. My mom never took any vitamins and she started to get grey hair as she was 30. I do not have any grey hair yet. Reading all the good things about flaxseeds on annathena.com I will probably include these ground up seeds in my diet soon. I believe it said there somewhere that flaxseeds ease menopause.

Couldn't help but laugh! I read your post as:"I'll be 46 next month, I think! I thought, Hmmm, she MUST be going thru menopause if she's not sure HOW old she is! :7 Just kidding! Thanks for a good laugh! I am 49 but have not started to experience hot-flashes yet, so I can't comment. I do take vitamins, Calcium (VERY important), Vit.C, Vit.E and Glucosamine with Chondroitin (Sp.?)

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I just turned 55 and have not quite made it through menopause. I take a loestrin birth control pill (to regulate my periods, which went totally crazy for awhile a couple years ago, leading to anemia and the need for a lot of iron), and except for the week when I am on iron, the estrogen seems to help with night sweats. I have never had hot flashes in the day, just night sweats--and I wake up soaking. Yecch!! A very cold bedroom helps, too, and my husband likes it cold, too, so . . . . Vitamins? yes, C (500 mg.), E (400 I.U.), low-dose aspirin, 200 mg. selenium, Calcium + D--600 mg. and a women's multi that also has 600 mg. of Calcium. I take 3 550 mg. of glucosamine sulfate. It looks like a lot, but my primary care physician and gynecologist (both women)totally approve--and I feel terrific.
Iam 47 and I started with hot flashes when I was 46. I had to go to the doctor and get something because I couldn't take it. Not only did I have hot flashes but I was also very moody. The hot flashes feel like just like it sounds "HOT FLASH". You will be normal and then in an instant you will feel really warm. Not like a warm from outdoor heat. More like it is coming from inside of you. Then as quickly as it comes it can go away.

I just take a multi-vitamin and calcium.

Good Luck!
RE: Ha!

Sorry about that.But if it made you laugh thats alright .After I read it, I had to laugh. I will be 46 new years eve.
Hi--I am in peri-menopause, too. I have found a soy supplement to be really good--no hot flashes and I do NOT take HRT. I take 400 E, Glucosamine chondrotin, and Q-10 enzyme. Then, I take a good multi like Theragran --too. I feel good on this program. Murph
Call me the odd woman out, but I take a good ole' Flintstones Complete along with a Tums for extra calcium.

After trying them all, I found a liquid multi-vitamin I absolutely love. It's by Tropical Oasis, called All-in-One. It's in an aloe and cranberry base which tastes much better than your normal liquid. I noticed a big difference in my hair, nails, and skin. You would probably benefit from a soy supplement as well, there are a number of brand-name herbal menopause support supps out there as well.
Hi kristina does this vitamin give you energy? what has it done for your hair, skin, and nails?
RE: vitamins

Hi Reba.
Most liquid supplements are "Kitchen-sink" meaning they have vitamins, minerals, aminos, and omegas in them. Others also have herbs. This is one of those. The B 12 and herbs give you the energy, but it does NOT have ephedrine or derivatives thereof. Liquid vitamins absorb better in my view. Plus, this brand does not make me sick to my stomach, even when taken in the morning.
My nails are normally very brittle and weak, my skin can get very dry (I take daily allergy meds), and my hair is combination and gets overprocessed easily.
I started taking this vitamin (switched from an over-the-counter pill) and within a month my nails were growing and stronger, my hair was shinier, and I didn't have as many dry patches on my skin. (I always lotion, use non-drying bath cleansers, etc.) My friends actually commented on it, especially my hair. I stopped taking it one month because I just got out of the habit, was really busy: within a few weeks my nails started breaking and splitting again, my hair started looking dull, and my skin was pretty dry. I noticed I started feeling more tired too, just generally more run down than when I was taking the vitamins.
Don't get me wrong, this is not a miracle product. You have to eat right and exercise and drink lots of water. I have just found this to be the only vitamin that has given me noticable results, is fairly reasonably priced, and doesn't taste like liquid death. The bottle lists a web address: www.TropicalOasis.com. I haven't checked it out, I get mine at the health food store. Maybe you can check it out.
Hi Reba, I take One-a-Day Multi Maximum Antioxidant formula and a calcium supplement (because I don't eat dairy). My mother eats & drinks soy products and has been going through menopause with very little problems. She does not take soy supplements; she prefers natural soy sources like tofu & edamame.

You should consult your doctor re: menopause IMHO


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