What is your "problem muscle"?

Mark me down as one born without hamstrings - thanks, Mom! My poor mother has no butt and no hamstring development. I must have gotten some good butt genes from Dad's side of the family, but below there - it just goes flat as a pancake 'til you get to the knobby knees. Takes a ton of work to see some curvature.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-03 AT 05:15PM (Est)[/font][p]My legs and butt, I'd have to say. Even though my muscles are there, and I don't avoid working my lower body. Strengthwise, I have seen improvement, slow but steady, which is great, but slower than any other body part. I can match many of Cathes weights for upper body, but I have not seen fit to go above say, 18# for lower body work - it's very hard for me, weight wise too. But you'd never know it from looking at my lower body, funny.
Good question.

I think my legs (and all surrounding areas) are my strongest muscles, whereas my biceps and triceps are my weakest.

I have VERY underdeveloped calves, which I have tried and tried to gain definition in, but they still seem as if they are quite strong as opposed to my upper body strength. I have to go at least 5-10 lbs. lighter on upper body as opposed to lower body on all of Cathe's tapes.

My wrist and forearm muscles; secondarily my hand muscles. I am a non-trainer in that department; I do no wrist curls, hand-strengtheners or other targeted stuff for those areas, and I'm starting to pay for it now with less-than-perfect form toward the end of my upper body routine simply because the hands / wrists / forearms are so exhausted from the heavier weights.

Same with me. I tend to bulk easily, and I can keep up with Cathe on everything except biceps and yet that's the most noticeable muscle I have!

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