>I can't stand most perfumes and hate it when I have to sit
>next to someone at a performance who has soaked herself in
I agree!
I rarely use scent, but when I do, I have some essential-oil-based scents that I like, usually vanilla (like "Bourbon Vanilla" from Beauty Without Cruelty) or "Peace" perfume oil (roll on) from Flower Solutions. I picked up some "Frankincense and myrrh" roll-on from Eau de Zum (in jojoba oil and vitamin E base), and discovered that it's very hard not to roll on too much. I have to just touch the roll to one writs (not even roll it) and spread that little bit to the other wrist and pulse points on my neck. Even then, it's stronger than I thought, so I'm getting rid of it!
I used to love an essential oil based scent called "Shalimar" (there's a perfume by the same name, but this is something different). A very light scent, and I've been told (in intimate situations) how good it smells to the opposite sex as well.
My take on scent is that no one but you should smell it, unless they are really, really close! They shouldn't be able to smell it from 10 feel away...or know that you passed through a room 10 minutes earlier by the scent trail you left.