What is your favorite lower body tape


Active Member
Which weight tape have you found the most results with? I only have MIS, Slow and Heavy, and the new Intensity series.

Not in any special order! Great leg workout tapes: Leaner Legs, Pure strength Legs,Firm Standing Legs, Powercircuit!
Hi Lisa.

Great question. I want to know what the forum prefers, too! I only have MIS, Power Hour, and S & H for leg work with Cathe, so I'm interested in any votes for PS Legs, Leaner Legs, etc. My vote would go to the lower body work in CIA's Power Bar Training (the "Killer Lunges" definitely live up to their name) and the FIRM's Tough Tape (great squat and tall-box overload) -- but neither tape is a pure lower body workout.

I think Leaner Legs is the toughest and most useful, followed by PS Legs and the PowerHour.
I have only done PLB three times and it doesn't seem that tough yet, or I haven't found the right weight, or it doesn't make me sore...I'm not sure how to evaluate it. I like it, precisely because it is not painful.
MIS is good, but not like LL or PS. S/H is good, but I can't get enough weight on my back to really make it as tough as it could be.
Don't you have a barbell pad?? This helps with the poundage, although I know what you mean. I pretty much max out at 70lbs on the barbell. Any more than that and I can't get the weight behind my head. I can get it up, and then up, and behind is even OK, but when I have to get it off my shoulders it becomes a problem. I am thinking of going back and getting that weighted vest. I do have an olympic weight set at home so I have been thinking of just using that ( I work out at work right now). It would be fun to see just how much weight my legs can take. I also use 35 pound dumbells with Platemates on them to come to a total of about 76 pounds and its not too hard on my shoulders..would that really hurt yours??

I like S&H because it feels so much safer. When I do LL the pace is so frantic that I feel it has a higher risk for injury, especially if you are realling pushing yourself and getting really fatigued. I am really starting to become a believer in heavy weights lower reps. I am starting to think higher reps at a sub-maximal weight is a waste of time. Maybe not for endurance, but that is what I have running and hiking for.....what do you think????

As far as my comment here, if you can lift very heavy with S&H I think there is no better leg training tape..I think LL is overkill....

No one yet has said PS Legs and Abs. It's my favorite because the pace is slow enough,there are breaks, and the floor section just does what nothing else can do for me.

I, like Janice, also enjoy higher weight with lower, slower reps. Endurance weight work is something I have not yet mastered. Power hour is amazing with Cathe using 35 pounds. It will be a long time, if ever, before I can do that.

I also like S&H but my all-time fave is Pure Strength Legs and abs. It's available all by itself you know (VHS). The DVD has the whole series. The whole series is great, IMO.
My new favorite is PLB from the Intensity Series. LL is good, too although can't say I enjoy that one very much. :eek: Non-cathe would be Standing Legs by the Firm.
My favorite is PLB. I love the exercises that are included (especially step ups and deadlifts) and the order in which they are done. The workout goes by quickly, so I don't get bored with it.
Well, I like PS Legs the second most! Isn't that voting for it? ;-)

Also, to naughtoj, the barbell doesn't hurt my shoulders, I just can't get it up over my head safely. I did S/H Legs and Shoulders today actually, with 5 lbs tied around my waist, 2 1/2 pound ankle weights strapped to my wrists and 60 pounds on the barbell. It still wasn't enough. I am also going to have to buy the vest. I can't think of any more el-cheapo jerry-rigged solutions!!
Cathe's PS Strong Legs and Abs. OH my gosh, this workout targets everything! The format is slow so you can really focus on the movement and Cathe's ever impeccable cueing helps tremendously with form.

Another good lower body is Standing Legs by the Firm.

I seem to lean more on the use of S&H and now the Pyramids the most.
I have really noticed an improvement in muscle definition in the 4 weeks I have used the Pyramid series. I am currently starting a split variation using ME & Bootcamp. Not sure how that will work out. I just feel the need for variety and I don't like to let my body get to used to the same thing as then my results slow down.
Diane Sue
I really like the new PLB. Leaner Legs is tough, but it's not as balanced as some other leg workouts. PLB contains all the major standing leg exercises, and the ballwork gets deep into the hamstrings which is hard to do without access to a leg curl machine. My hamstrings feel totally cooked when I'm done.

I have to say though that I like the inner and outer thigh work on PS Legs better.
I think Leaner Legs is the toughest leg tape, it wipes me out and I really have to gear myself up to do it, next would be PS. I like MIS when I just want a short effectiveleg workout. I LOVE PLB cos it flys by and it's not too difficult and I don't have to persuade myself to do it.

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