**---> What is your fav older step video?<--**


I have a few of them...but looking for more that I may not have. I am looking for intensity and fun factor!

Christi's Still Steppin. It wins hands down. I recently discovered Step Heaven, which is quickly becoming my next favorite. Christi is the most fun for me when it comes to Step. Plus she is advanced. What can I say. Her Fantastic Four is a great dvd.
Thank you all! I just ordered the Dvd with PowerMax, Step Works, (and I think) Step Fit--which I already have. Thank you all so much! I have all of Cathe's newer stuff...just looking for some variety. I do already have Body Max and I love love love that one! It's a pure hour of recess for me with a lot of sweat!

Thanks all!
Well, I just did Stepheat for the first time in a while and really enjoyed it.

But, everytime I do an older Cathe, I smile so I can't come up with a favorite. Maybe the Wedding tape because it got me into condition to complete more complicated Cathe workouts.

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