What is your best compliment lately?


I know it can be a struggle trying to loss weight, maintain the weight and deal with the criticism of others, etc. I was just wondering, what has been one of your latest compliments on your reclaiming your health/body journey. A few weeks ago, one my friends came over and walked on my treadmill while I exercised to CATHE. She is a size 4/6 She told me that she could not believe how nice my legs are and I didn't have all those fat deposits on my thighs and I had 2 kids and had better abs that her. She made feel so good. After having my second child, I found that the weight didn't come off as easy. I was back in my size 8's but they didn't fit as nicely and 10's were too big. A year later, I was still carrying 10 pounds from the second baby. My friend was always there cheering me on and telling me that I could break that plateau and loose those last few pounds. In October I started doing CATHE. I had been using the FIRM off and on for about 3 years. Good eating and CATHE helped me move from 150 -152 pounds (size 8/10) to a 140 - 142 pounds (size 6)in just a few months. I appreciate my friends compliment so much because I know it was genuine and she knows how hard I worked to get my body back. A matter o fact, she is the one that told me that I needed to start buying a size 6. I just couldn't believe that I wore a size 6 because I have worn an 8 for years even at this weight. One day she took me to Casual Corner and told me to try a size 6 suit and I couldn't believe how much nicer it looked on me compared to the size 8 I had in my closet. Now, I am trying to convince her that she needs to start using some weights. It is nice to have friends who support you.
It IS nice to have friends who support you, and support can come from many different and sometimes unexpected areas!

My husband has told me several times how good I am looking and how young I look, aged 39., i.e. I don't look 39.

In the week a friend of my 10 year old daughter's came around to collect her to go out to play and she said to me, "gosh, your hair is very pretty" and as they left the house I heard her say to Martha, "wow! your Mum is so tall and pretty." Ethnic difference plays a role here because my daughter's friend is Korean.....so in comparison to her mother, yes, I am tall and my hair is not straight or black! Well, I am 5' 8".

My students paid me a huge compliment at the end of the Winter semester here at the U of M: they loved my class and how I taught it and bought me a 135 dollar gift certificate for a local spa as a "thank you for your efforts" gift. This is unheard of as a general rule and at a large research institution, it speaks volumes....

Of all the compliments listed above: the one that recognized my teaching ability and expertise as a college instructor is the most important to me, it gives me confidence and makes me renew my efforts to get my PhD completed. I still have fat on my thighs and I don't give a s**t!!!

This just happened to me last night and not only did it make me laugh, but left me speechless.

My 3 yr old DD and I were sitting outside at a restaurant having dinner (DH was out of town). It was 90 degrees and I had a fitted tank top and short wrap skirt on. The teenaged girl who was our waitress said to me, "Is she yours" looking pointedly at DD then at me. I thought it was kind of a wierd question, so of course I said "yes". Waitress replied, "Wow, you look good!", as in "for having a kid".

Although I was quite flattered, I always find it strange that women assume that their bodies will fall apart and they'll turn into ogres after they have kids. Sadly, they don't all find Cathe. It made it especially sweet coming from a teenager, I'm 38.

Enjoy those compliments, sounds like you'll be receiving more!

Congratulations on your weight loss. It's great to have friends who look out for you.:)

My greatest compliment to date? My little boy asking, "Can I feel your muscles, Mama?" and after feeling my arms, saying, "I'd like to have muscles too when I grow up."

How I found out my body HAS changed a lot: On my last trip home, my brothers oohed and aahed over my arms and back. One of my older brothers said, "Goodness, you're more buff than I am," as he poked at my arms. There was a lot of poking that first week of my visit. And then there were my nephews and nieces, all of whom are fans of WWF, of all things. They all agreed that "You can do that, Auntie!" when a commercial came on about the women of the WWF.:)

My husband telling looking at me in a sleeveless night shirt telling me he likes me nice and strong.:7
A class reunion meeting for highschool all of them kept talking about my muscles and asking ?'s and my 11 yr old telling my hubbby that I had bigger muscles than he did:) .But latley everyone notices my muscles and automatically ask my routines.
I'm still chuckling over this one....I've been planting my gardens the last few days and have no problems getting down and dirty, in fact I love it. I needed to fill a few spots here and there and decided on one more quick trip to the greenhouse. My hair was hiked back in a ponytail and I was wearing shorts and an older midriff bearing tank top, halfway there I thought, 'yikes, I hope I don't run into anyone when I'm looking this muckey'. While I was purusing the greenhouse someone said 'wow! you've got the perfect abs to have your bellybutton pierced.' I looked up and it was a young lady and she was talking to ME:) :)! She was very flattering and asked me how many crunches I do a day. I told her that I don't do traditional abs much but concentrate on planks and pilates/yoga based core exercises. Let me tell you at 42 year old and after 3 kids I loved hearing this and really appreciated her compliments. (Thanks Cathe!!:D)

Take Care
My neighbour commenting on my legs: "oh your legs are so smooth!". (I have no visible cellulite). We are the same age.

Another neighbour (male) telling me a few weeks ago my abs looked better than the abs of his 17yo daughter when piercings were discussed (in front of other neighbours). Something you want and need to hear when you're 40-something.

My female colleagues surprise when they found out I turned 43 in April. They thought I was in my mid-thirties. Again, that's what you want and need to hear when your 40+.

Cycling to work I encountered these two 18yo boys whistling as I passed them. Well, it is Spring you know :)

Things like that make me smile all day.

And ofcourse the look on my ex's face everytime he sees me... you know what I mean :) . Can't say the same about him. He looks really old and flabby!!!! Yikes.

Ok I just got a compliment from my mother, they were up this weekend for my son's recital and also to watch the boys swim and play tennis. I was in front of my mom when we were walking to the Y for swimming lessons and she said that I had nice muscular legs. Since I can't see how they look when I walk I was flattered that she commented. When I was growing up she didn't think muscular legs looked good on a woman, I guess she has come a long way in her thinking.

Alway nice to hear a positive comment!!

She also said that I don't have any wrinkles and I am 40 and have been laying in the sun since I was 12.
I love reading these compliments. Don't they make you feel great! Though i don't have much to report (yet!) ... i would like to say that every one of you that wrote about a compliment, i could feel the happiness through the page. Good for you all.

W x

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