What is the MAIN motivation that drives you to work out day after day?

What is the MAIN motivation that drives you to work out day after day?

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Just curious to see what makes everyone "tick"...My sole motivation in the beginning was to lose weight so that I would look better.... but now I think my body is actually "addicted" to it...if I don't exercise I just don't feel good physically or mentally! I mean I take my rest day(s) each week but if it is more than 2 per week, I end up not feeling well! Does anyone else experience this kind of thing??

Have a great Holiday Season!

Daily exercise helps me with all the above. Wouldn't trade it for anything! If someone offered me a million dollars to stop exercising for a year, I would not take it. Maybe for a week... :) Renee
RE: What is the MAIN motivation that drives you to work...

Hi All,

I came close to dying a couple of years ago from mercury poisoning. All my doctors and others agreed it was my 20 years of exercising that kept my heart and other organs from failing.

Losing weight is great, but the real payoff is when your life is literally extended because you put in the effort to exercise everyday. You never know when it will save your life. Extra time with your children is the best motivation of all.

Happy Holidays to all
:) :)

All I know is EVERYTHING in my life is better when I work out! I don't have a weight issue but have always had the "need" for movement. I have a very high stress job and fitness helps give me balance. I love cardio, I love weights, I love hiking, I love running, I love acting like a girl on the playground!

Now I workout easily.I enjoy working out now. The cathe's workouts are so fantastic and fun. I love the way I feel after a workout with all those endorphines and that feeling of proud. The cathe's workouts are fantastic again the stress are a daily challenges too. There are lot of reasons.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
I'll freely admit that I like to look good and fit into all my clothes. I also have a sister who is not much older than me but a lot heavier - a yoyo person. I DON'T want to look like her. Of course I appreciate the fact that I don't get sick and never miss work because of sick days. I take a ton of vitamins, too, and that helps.
It is a little bit of everything for me. I love how working out helps me deal with stresses in my life. I also like how I feel when I can lift slightly heavier than what I have done before or when I can finish a particular set of reps I could not finish before. I also think it sets an example for my boys on how fitness plays into everyday life.

It is a little bit of everything for me. I love how working out helps me deal with stresses in my life. I also like how I feel when I can lift slightly heavier than what I have done before or when I can finish a particular set of reps I could not finish before. I also think it sets an example for my boys on how fitness plays into everyday life.

I think there was a thread like this a while back, but I'm not sure. Part of the reason was so that I could drop some pounds and firm up the jiggles, but what freaks me out is the thought of getting weaker as I age and losing muscle mass. I don't want to have to have special chairs or handrails in my tub just so I can function. I've had a broken hip (when I was 19) and I don't EVER want to feel that again!
RE: What is the MAIN motivation that drives you to work...

Hello all!

As I had posted originally, I began working out to lose weight and tone up. I am 5'3" tall and ended up at just over 140 pounds a couple years ago before I "put the breaks on". I lost 15 pounds and have successfully kept it off...something I am extremely proud of!:D

I am not as trim as I would like to be but I am HEALTHY, comfortable in my own skin and still think I look pretty darn good!;)

These days the work outs are a part of my daily routine because they make me feel better in EVERY way!

If one day I am able to trim down a little more, great, if not, no big deal...I had posted some where else in the forum that my face gets thin fast and then I look unhealthy even though my body would benefit from additional weight loss so who knows...I may just stay where I'm at.

Take Care!

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