What Is It About PLB and PUB


that everybody raves about?!?! I have them...but I guess I need to use them exclusively to see what it is all about. I stray away sometimes because I'm not a stability ball person. SO, tell me....what am I missing and is it certain results you get from these workouts?!?!


I like the way my body feels after I've done them. I feel worked. I noticed my first bicep vein after doing PUB for a while. I feel these are easy workouts to increase the poundage I use when doing them frequently. When I max out my poundage at the 8 reps set I can psyche myself into it b/c I can do at least 8 reps I say. Also, I like that I know how many reps are going to be performed. There are no added low ends or bonus reps, just straight up lifting. Don't get me wrong I love the bonus reps and low ends in the other workouts but sometimes I need a break and the Pyramids are just fabulous workouts in my opnion. I love the way the stability ball segments give me that final burn at the end of the workouts. I'm sure you are not alone and we all have different favorites.
maybe in the next few weeks I will have to psyche myself up into digging out the stability ball and trying these more faithfully. Hmmmm....I wonder how these workouts and the Bar Method would work together?!?! lol

I think people rave about them because they are effective, efficient, and fun, IMO.

The standing portion of PLB has just the exercises you need, with nothing superfluous (though I put a longer breaks in between each set: the lack of recovery--or even a reasonable time to change weight plates safely--is the only thing I don't like about PLB).
I like how straightforward the workout is. And I've made progress in my endurance and strength with the pyramids.

If you don't like the stability ball, you can do the modifications that Brenda does.:)

Good idea!! Maybe I will do that for awhile before venturing back out to the stability ball.

Thanks!!!! Kim
I'm considering getting this DVD, but I have a question. They use an odd-looking bench in it (at least I think it's the one I'm thinking of). Can you just use your regular step bench instead?

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