What IS it about Kick, Punch, Crunch?


Why is it that this workout wipes me out more than any other one? I can do MIC, both IMAXs and Circuit Max all the way through, but not KPC! Tonight I totally blew off the last combo with the double side-kicks followed by the jump kicks. I actually even called Cathe a bad name (sorry, Cathe - I didn't mean it, it was heat of the moment).

I'm looking forward to the day when I view this workout as I now view MIC. I couldn't believe anyone could make it through that one without stopping to rest, and now I have no problem at all with it.

Are there any suggestions on exercises to improve the flexibility of my hips? My right hip is understandably lacking in mobility since I broke it when I was 19 and now have a misshaped pelvis (only viewable with the aid of an xray machine). Pilates? Stretch Max?
I feel the same way about KPC. It IS hard. I have Kick Max and although I sweat and feel worked-out, it doesn't kill me the way KPC does. I think because KPC uses your lower body so much with those power moves. I dread some of those impact moves--jump kicks especially. I do take a little more rest time between combos...so I'm a weenie!
I think if you keep stretching your hips you will improve the flexibility. It won't happen overnight--you have to be regular with the stretching.
Keep up the good work!
I just did this workout for the first time tonight because I fancied something different. I'm so glad I did. I loved it. I got it when it first came out and never did it, fearing it would be the same as Cardio kicks and involve all those side shuffles all over the floor that I hate so much, but this one is so different, in a good way.

I love the drills, but I love the punching and kicking combos even more: they are what kickboxing is all about I reckon. They really kick butt!

Sorry, but what you dislike about this workout is exactly what I like about it! just for a minute it began to make sense: it wasn't just endless punching drills for the sake of building buff arms, in KPC, with the punching and kicking combos, it felt like I really had an opponent, and I took him out with my front and side kicks. I am afraid I really loved those jump side kicks, esier to do for me than endlesss stationary kicks!! Loved it!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I am not much help to you though. I did Bootcamp 2 days ago, also for a change of scene and I thought KPC was more manageable, thank God, than Bootcamp, and the Imaxes in my current de-conditioned state!

Clare :)
I like to start with the warm up and cardio premix of Bootcamp skipping the stretch and then start into the cardio of Kick Punch & Crunch or the timesaver KPC segment. KPC seems easy after I get through that.
Diane Sue
Kickboxing is very deceptive in its intensity, IMO. It looks like it would be less taxing than a workout like IMAX, etc, but it can be very intense, especially if you are putting your all into it. Also, if you do a lot of stepping, and not much kickboxing, your body is used to stepping and can do it more efficiently. When I don't do stepping for a while, I'm surprised at how hard a stepping workout feels to me! Guess those dendrites (brain cells) that had the stepping info stored have been asleep for a while!

For hip flexibility, yoga is excellent! Also, doing hip flexor stretches on a regular basis. Or a series of flexibility exercises (after a warm-up: never stretch a cold muscle): lie on the floor and with one leg straight on the floor (or bent if needed), bring your other leg up straight. Keep your tail bone on the floor to keep the stretch out of your back. This stretches the hamstrings.

Now bend both legs, put one foot on the floor, and cross the ankle of the other foot over the knee. If your left leg is bent withh foot on the floor, your right leg will be perpendicular to it, with the ankle above the left knee, and the right knee facing to the right. Now bring up your left leg so that both legs come closer to your body. Get a bit more stretch if you can by pushing out gently on the knee (actually on the leg above the knee: never put pressure directly on the knee). This stretches the gluteus minimus and outer hip.

Roll over to your side (or stand up, but as long as you're on the ground...) and bend your top leg, grabbing your foot with that hand. To increase the stretch, don't pull on the foot (can be tough on the knee), but tilt your pelvis to feel more of theh stretch. This gets your hip flexors.
I looove the cathe's kickboxing: KPC; CK and the kickbox in ctx series too. I can not wait to try kickmax. I will be in the paradise when I will receive my 11 dvd of hardcore. I will see each one before try it but the first I will try will be kickmax .

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:)
Yes. I hear you, it is a good workout. However, lately I have been hoping that Cathe will add more Plyo and athletic moves to her next kickbox workout. I did KPC tonight and found myself very frustrated with the intesity level. I am not extremely fit, I might add. I have become acclimated to Cathe's moves and need more variety in her workouts. I often find myself creating "mish moshes" alla aquajock just to get my "fix". I know that I have Cathe to thank for this improvement in cardio fitness ( and running). Maybe Cathe will keep the variety/intensity up as her public become more fit with her! Isn't that why we're here?

Hi Donna
I can't amswer your question but we are all diferent.I have no problem with any of Cathe's video except (I am embarrassed to say)Step Jump & Pump.Everyone comments on how easy & fun this is.I do not get it my legs become like jello by the end and tighten up completely on the last low impact combo.I guess I should lighten up on the weights doing those static lunges.I have no problem with KPC.I actually find Debbie Burns & The Powestrike women to be comparable in intensity.I don't get it either

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