What is it about Imax 2 . . .


That folks seem to love so much? I see on here quite often that people's favorite cardio is Imax 2. Tell me what you like about it, and, if it has a ton of high impact moves in it!
I just finished Imax2 to completion for the first time today and I LOVED IT. I love it so much because it has such high intensity intervals and it is a GREAT challenge. I love to be challenged! Cathe is very fun in the w/o, too. More fun and personal than others.
The blasts high impact, all but one are I think, but the step segements between are low impact, short but sweet and, as always...fun.
Hope this helps!
The music for one, and the moves themselves are just fun and inspiring. Each step/blast combo has just the right mix of variety and repetition to get the burn and keep your attention. It's tough, but something to work up to, and then when you "DO" it all the way through w/o modifications it is such a great feeling of flow and accomplishment.
Yes, there are a fair number of high impact moves, though they can be modified somewhat. There are airjack, tuck jumps, straddle-tap repeaters, power 15's, plyojacks, straddle hops along the board, and "genie jumps" (after completing a power box you hop on one leg approx. 16 times, then repeat the whole cycle again).
I'm sure you'll get at least a few other raves about IMAX2 as well as some specific suggestions for modification, you may even find a few old posts concerning this if you search back far enough.
I agreed with Mattea regarding how the feeling of accomplishments when a person complete this exercise video w/o modification.

Well, I love IMAX2 because it dancy, fun and hard. To me, I am having fun dancing with Cathe and her crew in that I forget that I am exercising. IMAX2 is doable for me even with all the high impact moves as Mattea mentioned.

I love that IMAX 2 helped me improve my cardio capacity and really developed my fast twitcher muscles. I challenged myself to do this workout once a week from October 04 until March 05. When I started, I could only finish the warmup and intervals 1-2. I thought "tuck jumps" were "tough jumps" (honest, I thought that's what Cathe was saying) and I could not do them at all. By the end of March I could go straight through interval 5, take an extra minute rest, go through interval 9, pause an extra 30 sec or so, then finish interval 10 and the cooldown/stretch.

The choreography is moderately difficult; not too hard to master and very fun. The music is great! And Cathe is loads of fun - her personality really shines through.

And, as Maximus said, it kicks my a$$. And I love that about a workout!

Wow, Mona. That's wonderful progress.:)

IMAX 2 has good choreography. Not too easy that it's boring, and not too hard that you only get frustrated. I'm not one to judge a workout by its music, but a lot of ladies here love the music in IMAX 2. The blasts work your legs very well. I believe IMAX 2 helped me develop SOME strength and endurance in my legs when I was just starting out. Unlike IMAX 3, the step work doesn't have too many pivots and turns, which is really bad for my knees. (I still do IMAX 3 though, with many modifications.) And like Mona said, it's great for cardio capacity and training for your fast-twitch muscles. I never knew I had fast-twitch muscles until I did this workout.:)


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