What workout video is HSTA??? Sorry you have to deal with such an idiot during the holidays! I have tried to figure it out but the light bulb refuses to flicker.
Don't be so hard on yourself....I suffer regularly from brain fade!
HSTA stands for High Step Training Advanced. : )
>What workout video is HSTA??? Sorry you have to deal with
>such an idiot during the holidays! I have tried to figure it
>out but the light bulb refuses to flicker.
Mother usually hands over cash for my birthday so HSTA will be mine soon! Cannot wait. You know how you'll be half way asleep and thnking of things? Well, last night, it was ALL Cathe! Can't wait to buy HSTA (read the description again after you guys told me what the heck it was). Can't wait for Hardcore. There are few on my Birthday list...
I had trouble figuring this one out, too. Fortunately, the lightbulb finally went on--while I was making out my wish list, of course. I just got High Step Training Advanced, and I really loved it.