What is Cathe's most difficult rotation?


I've been reviewing Cathe rotations for the tougher ones. What do you think is the most challenging of the Cathe rotations? Bootcamp maybe (aug 05)? that looks pretty tough.
I actually haven't done a complete rotation for a while, but the one that always stands out in my mind was January 04. Here is the link:

Also, it could have been tougher since I'd been slouching a little during December; but this rotation kicked my butt! :) (And yes, I did the whole thing!)

Edited to add: I think I did part of Aug 05 but went on vacation - I know I didn't do the whole thing...it was a killer though also!

Sorry Deana, I didn't mean to spell your name wrong! When I noticed I it was too late to go back and change.

The Bootcamp Rotation was really tough. I just did it a couple months ago. My endurance gains were amazing!
I vote for the boot camp rotation from August 2005 - whenever I feel like I need a real kick, I do that one!
I'm doing - and almost finished - the August 05 Boot Camp. I must say it is very challenging. My strength and endurance gains are amazing from this rotation. More than anything I believe it was the time that was involved for me. But, it was/is awesome!}(
You all are scaring me. I just started Bootcamp rotation on Saturday, and the first three days are making me very nervous for the rest. We are going on a family (there are 16 of us) trip to DisneyWorld the first week of June. I know that we will be at the pool (6 kids under 6 going) for a majority of the trip. I thought I would do the Bootcamp rotation followed by the January 06 rotation, the one that is all 90 min work outs. Any encouragment would be appreciated!!!!
You can do it! And I believe the results will make you happy you did! We're all pulling for you - You Go Girl!!!:7
Mikkia - I agree with Tina, you can do it but I would recommending putting a lighter week between the two. When I posted my message above about the Jan 06, I didn't see you had mentioned it.

Tina - didn't you do the Jan 06 rotation when some of use were doing it together that month?
Thanks for the encouragement, it really helps and I will take your advice about a break in between Bootcamp and Jan 06. Today I was introduced to walking lunges. My kids thought that was hilarious to watch, so I will now be waking up at 5 am to do these work outs without a 2 and 5 year old audience.
Hi Jane! No I didn't do the Jan 06, I thought I was going to and didn't. My first rotation ever was the Feb 07 and now this one!

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