Cathe's power hour is a bodypump type of exercise. There is no cardio in it. Mainly you will be lifting barbels with different weights and workout your major muscle groups. It moves fast and the music is awesome. In their own(BodyPump)words:
"It is a revolutionary weight training workout that strengthens, tones and defines every muscle in your body.
Designed for all ages and fitness levels, BODYPUMP delivers real results, real fast. This athletic-based workout uses barbells with adjustable weights to work every major muscle group in the body. With motivating music and awesome instructors, BODYPUMP strengthens, tones, and defines like nothing else can. BODYPUMP is non-impact and works all the major muscle groups with weight-bearing exercises including squats, presses, lunges and curls."
Great. Thanks for that description! I've got just about all of Cathe's workouts (waiting patiently for the intensity series to come), I just wasn't quite sure what that was about.