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After reading so much on this book yesterday...I took the plunge and bought it last night. Just finished chapter one and I'm setting my goals!

Thanks for all the great info!

I don't think you will be sorry. It has been very helpful to me and worth every cent.

Like others have stated, it's not anything we don't already know. It helps us to put things in perspective and how to make food and exercise work for our own individual body.

I like it because it is a healthy way of eating and not a diet. I love the zig-zag method and high carbs and low carbs days.

Good luck burning the fat!!!!
Good evening,

For anyone considering buying this e-Book, honestly I think it will be the best $40 you ever spend. But if you are worried, I am pretty sure that Tom Venuto offers a money back guarantee on the website.

As for printing it out, I simply chose to print out chapter by chapter. Then I put it in a binder and let me tell you I read and re-read this stuff it is SO detailed and so matter of fact and so sensible.

Things to consider:

1) This man is not pushing any merchandise; no pills or shakes or bars or videos. Just factual information.
2) The information works and there is a huge following growing because of that.
3) It is not a "diet" but a way of life.

Lastly as far as the NYT article from last year, I don't think that it should deter anyone from taking advantage of all the amazing benefits of strength training. The bottom line is all of our bodies are different and require us to figure out what combos (Of weight training and cardio plus "diet") work best for us to reach our personal best. IMHO that is the ONLY time I have EVER heard that the muscle burns more concept is flawed so personally I don't give it much creedence. But it is interesting for sure.

Also, and I only know this because I worked for a legal company for quite some time and learned this personally but it is a violation of copyright laws to cut/paste the text of articles and pass on to multiple recipients. You can "quote" the article or you can paste the LINK to the article but pasting the text is a violation for which one could be prosecuted. (Please note I am only writing this so no one gets in trouble, I would hate to see that. I had no knowledge of this part of the law and when I learned it I was shocked. Additionally, if you read a newspaper or magazine article it is a violation to make copies of it and distribute it, you can only cut out one article and give that to someone or quote it but not make copies.....complicated I know but I am ONLY THE MESSENGER!! :) )

Hope this is helpful information.

I got his free emails today and the plan sounds sensible. The intersting part would be his advice on how to "tweak" the diet and exercise to your own personal needs based on the results you get. Some people need a lot more carbs than others (or less.)
I never thought muscles increased my metabolism any, but I sure wish I could increase the mass to give me more shape instead of such saggy looking shoulders and butt!
After I read the article (thanks for posting it Nancy, I found it very informative), I wondered about the idea of changing the metabolism with muscle gain. The article did say that building muscle will not "sky rocket" the metabolism but I wonder if it will increase it slightly making it easier for the body to maintain a healthy weight. It seems to me that even a small change could help make a big difference over time. I know for me, once I REALLY started encorporating weight training into my programs, I found it much easier to maintain my weight or even lose a few pounds even though I could eat more. Just a thought.

Will he let me have my weekly pig-out day? This is a VERY important consideration for me!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Yes, he does...it's gotta be just ONE cheat meal though.....maybe 2..but that's it!


take care:)
I love this book. I downloaded it last week and it is full of good information. I learned a lot from the book and it helped me figure out all the conflicting information out there on losing body fat, how much cardio to do, what to eat, how to lift weights, etc ... I've been following the advice on nutrition and have already noticed a drop in bodyfat. This book is awesome and is very motivating. It's not a diet or exercise plan per say. It is a way of life and gives you a different mindset about reaching your goals. I had my aha moment reading this book. Like someone else said, I love his philosophy on "burning the fat, feeding the muscles". He shows you how to track your progress weekly so you don't waste time doing a program that doesn't work for you. I think this book puts everything together in a way that makes all the information you've known about nutrition and exercise come together nicely.
Too bad - I'd just have to stretch his rule! My cheat day is just that a DAY!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)

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