What is better for loosing weight (RO0


I have about 15 pounds to go. Looking pretty good and this isn't hte last 10 pounds when I'm where I should be. That would giveme 25 pounds to loose. I'm being realistic.

Anyway, would I be better to do 2 or 3 whole body workouts a week?? a split and if I split an upper/lower like the Pyramids or a three day (I have Slow & Heavy as my only three day split).

And how much cardio would be best. Right now my rotation looks like this:

Monday - I do either Crunch Burn & Firm Pilates or Crunch Fat Burning Pilates
Tuesday - I workout at the gym - elliptical or bike or a cardio funk class
Wednesday - Strength tape such as: MIS, Power HOur, Muscle Endurance, Cardio & Weights, etc.)
Thursday - Cardio at the gym again
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Strength tape like on Wed but a different tape - I"m a variety gal Lately I've been doing boot camp one week on Sat and a low impact cardio and then the next week a different strengthe and then something like IMAX on Sunday.
Sunday - CArdio Tape - IMAX, Rhythmic Step, MIC, Kick, Punch & Crunch or if I"m feeling pooped a 4 mile WATP.

So does this look good to continue. I have the Pyramid Upper and Lower and the Slow & Heavy. Would one of them help more.

My fat is left mostly in hips and thights and a little on belly.

Thanks for advice. I've been doing this type of schedule for about 6 weeks now and it's worked for me but I feel like maybe a change would be good.


For me what works best is doing 4-5 days of cardio. So, I think that best way for you to add more cardio but keep your weight workouts would be to add 30 min of cardio to one or two of your weight days. Maybe if you haven't done IMAx that week tack on the first 5 intervals without the warm up and then add on the cool down. Or add in the kicking and punching drills from KPC with the cool down.
that would be my best suggestion for what you are already doing. Or even just add on a walk or run on a nice day after your weights. This is of course if you have that kind of time. I know that time resttaints aren't the easiest thing to deal with. so, if you do have time restraints the best thing to do would be to do PUB with warm up and skip the cool down, then do the 30 min of cardio and the cool down from there. Or do that with PLB. That way you aren't crunched for time and it should clock in at around a 1 hour long workout. Another suggestion is to buy CTX. But that may or may not be in the budget.
I hope that helped a little. Always try to eat as clean as you can while you are doing this.
Now if I could just follow my own advice...;)

Diane - I've recently tried alternating upper and lower body every other day, and that seems to be working great. So I end up working out my upper body and lower body twice a week. I've noticed that my abs, glutes, and legs have really tightened up. I will admit my cardio is lacking. I have been doing both endurance and moderate lifting, but I keep rest periods to a minimum. If I do cardio, I try to do 30 minutes after my lifting routine.

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