What is/are your weekend workout(s)?


Hello Everyone.
With the excitement of the 4 Day Split, what will be your Sat/Sun workouts?
Saturday, for sure, will be LIS and Sun or Mon will be the BC/4DS cause the Suicides look so much fun and Cathe does squat/thrusts "terminators" in the warmup.
Not sure when I will do HIS, that workout will be previewed a few more times.

Have a FUN Weekend!!
Good morning Jennifer!

Today I will just be playing around with the new step routines as there is a definate learning curve in those for me. I am not looking for a serious cardio work out. I just want to learn the combos. I will be rewinding a lot! LOL

Tomorrow I am running in my first Half Marathon! I am sooo excited but so nervous!}(

Have a great weekend everyone!:)
Good luck on your Half Marathon, Wendy!

Today I plan to do the cardio from 4DS: LIS again and then do the weight work from 4DS: BC (my injured ankle is not quite ready for the BC cardio).

Tomorrow will either be a rest day or at most Pilates or yoga.

I see an orthopedic surgeon on Tuesday so maybe he can help me with this ankle issue and I can soon start listing more exciting workouts on these threads.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***

My fitness blog: http://web.mac.com/lainiefig/iWeb/Site/Exercise/Exercise.html
Today is BBC Full Body plus cardio (maybe both segments - treadmill and non-treadmill). Tomorrow is a long run. Not sure how long though. Maybe 8-10 miles.
cause the Suicides look so much fun and Cathe does
>squat/thrusts "terminators" in the warmup.

Hey - can anyone tell me what a Suicide is?? I must not own a cathe video with one in it! thanks, Clarissa
I think suicides and wind sprints are the same. You pretty much run like stink, turn and run...run like stink, turn and run....nothing fancy but woo-hoo, the heartrate gets up there!!

No new workouts for me yet but I'm drenched from B-Max2 step/circuits and abs. Kicked my butt and got the cobwebs out.

Wendy, great good luck tomorrow!!!

Take Care
Laurie :)
Jimmy the Wondermutt and I are going for a nice hike/trail run (7-8 miles) today, then tomorrow will be a yoga day. Enjoy everyone!
Jimmy the Wondermutt and I are going for a nice hike/trail run (7-8 miles) today, then tomorrow will be a yoga day. Enjoy everyone!
Today I'm going for a run and tomorrow I'm doing the upper body portion of the 4DS. I'm going to be fried!!
Good luck tomorrow Wendy!

I just got done with Circuit Max. I haven't done this one in years so it was fresh and "new" to me. I'm just waiting for the sweat to dry before I jump in the shower.

Tomorrow is my off day, but I think I'll make an attempt to learn some of the cardio in LIS and HIS. I also need to do some yoga as my back is getting tight.

Yesterday I did B&G Leg Blast premix, then the leg ball work and ankle weight work and abs. Today I did Imax 3 warm up, then the Imac 3 blasts only, Step Blast blasts, Imax 2 blasts premix and the 12 bootcamp drills from the new bootcamp. Super fun!! Since I have a party tonight, I usually take a rest day on Fri, but since I did Sat's workout yesterday and Sun's today tomorrow will be my rest day.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Well...since I am an oddball and didn't buy the new workouts...I did the entire BM2 today. Tomorrow will be Muscle Max most likely! And a walk to enjoy the crisp fall air! Everyone have a fun weekend!
Im ot getitng my DVD's until MONDAY!!
Im so sad but UPS is not aailable saturdays :( Guess that's what I get for waiting until mid septembe ror pre order!
Sunday is actually my BIG day for weight training, I have the most energy-- and the most time!
I have been training real heavy for chect and back, both on the same day and have been getting AMAZING results!
Hmm.. think Ill be doing SH chest, GS Back and then some of the SH Back as well. I did cardio and abs today (got the bug for it :) so i don't have to worry about it tomorrow..
Enjoy the new workouts! I can't wait to enjoy on monday!!

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