What if my DVD player IS the problem? Can I clean it?

Muffin Top

I orderd K,P,C and it skipped and froze up so I returned it. I got another one and it did the same thing. All of my other DVD's work just fine, so I sent back this DVD too. I finally got my third replacement and was disgusted to see it do the same thing. Mind you, all my other DVD's work fine. So, I tried K,P,C on another DVD player and it worked just fine. I am totally confuddled! Is it possible my DVD player just doesn't like K, P, C? Is there anything I can do? I really LOVE this workout! I will buy another DVD player if mine can't be fixed to take this DVD. Thanks for any help!
There can be several things with a player that can cause this to happen:

#1. Your players lens is dirty. It may only have a few specs of dust, but if they're in the wrong place they can cause some disc to have problems, while other discs don't. The good news is in most cases if you purchase a laser lens cleaner kit it will solve this problem.
#2 A defect in your players firmware. Premixes and blenders can sometimes cause problems with some players if there is a slight defect in the players firmware. You can sometimes get firmware upgrades for players, but this is usually a difficult process and usually requires you to return the player to the manufactuer.
Thanks! I found a DVD/VCR combo on sale over my lunch break for 49.99. I already hooked it up and K,P,C works fine. Now, we'll just have a DVD player for the basement. Thanks for the response. I will check into a lens cleaner!

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