What I didn't know about running...


I have just added running to my cardio. I ran about 1 1/2 miles day before yesterday, and I ran about 2 miles today. I did not realize how much muscle is involved in running. I have done Cathe cardio for some time now and I am sure it helped with endurance, but my whole body is sore. I did not know you could get DOMS from running. Is this normal? I really like the feeling of accomplishment after running and I think it may be what I need to give me a change and a kick start off my plateau. Thank you in advance for any comments or advice.

can't give any adviced really b/c i am a wanna be runner LOL. in that i try to get 2 runs a week and then half of the time they wind up being only 2 miles. before winter break i was doing 6 miles 2x a week. but i did get DOMS from running the first few times then again when i started pushing myself to 6 miles. i have to run up a lot of hills and man that works core and lower body tremendously. but some things that did help me was that i made sure i was hyrdrated before,during, and after my runs. i drank so much after running and i also stretched 20 mins or more then enjoy a very nice warm/hot shower with maybe a little more stretching if there is time. i also enjoy a nice protien shake or bar.for some reason i don't get as sore and recover quicker if i enjoy a very small meal with some good carbs and protien. thats is all i can offer and it works for me so i can't really say it can work for you but its a suggestion if you want to try it.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
I always get DOMS when I start back running. I was at my slimmsest when I ran consistantly. I hope it helps with your plateau.
I got DOMS, and if I'm running hills for the first time in a while, I can end up with major muscle cramps later on, if I don't take Calicum w/ Magnesium. I think I'm just stupid and push too hard, though. I'm not good at moderation.

But you're right. Running is like nothing else for working muscle groups together. And I love it as I can't sit still to meditate. A long run is excellent for straightening out the whirling thoughts in my head.
Running is so addictive!!! I am glad to hear you are enjoying the challenge!

Eat as soon after your run as possible. When running (or any other activity) your muscles are breaking down. It is the repair that makes the muscles stronger. Anyway, the break down of the muscle doesn't stop once the activity stops...the break down continues well after the exercise session is over. That is why you wake up the next day with DOMS versus immediate muscle soreness. Eating as soon as possible does a few things...it restores the lost glocogen in your muscles and has it ready for the next workout. It also aids muscle in repairing itself. The better the nutrition, less DOMS. Now, DOMS is a necessary evil (one most of us like in a sick way) but taking measures can reduce the amount you have. You don't want to be limping and hunched over for the next few days. Eat some good carbs and some lean protein. A protein shake with fresh fruit is delicious!

Happy Running!!!
Your experience applies the other way too! I ran for years and years before doing any Cathe step and when I did I was sore in places that running doesn't get!

And yes, you do use your entire body when running. I can rememer having DOMS from working chest muscles and feeling the soreness intensify while running.

I've come to the conclusion that it is good to do some of both (Cathe and running). I personally prefer running so I supplement that with one or two Cathe cardios a week but I have been known to do more of Cathe and supplement them with running.

It's fun to mix things up every now and then.
I usually always have DOMS from running, especially after the winter when I haven't run much. Running is great as you can do it anywhere. I usually always run on vacation. I love running on the beach in the morning.

Thank you all for your replies. I plan to keep running, because I like it. It is a time when you can just get your thoughts together. Thanks for all the advice, I have never really been into running too much so it is new to me. I really don't see me giving up Cathe either. I will probably do both, it is just one more new addiction. My DH gripes sometimes and says that I am addicted to working out. I just tell him better that than something bad for me. Besides, he is very happy with the results;-) Well I just woke up (I work nights) so I am now off to run and I have PL today also. Thanks again.
Oh, yea but when I ran my legs were so cut and toned, I wouldn't have cared if they were always sore. Which of course they were not because they adapt and yours will too.
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