What have you people DONE TO ME????


I've been "lurking" for a few days now since I've heard of Cathe. I can't believe I haven't heard of her before! I have been doing SO much research since then (most of it during work...my bad!) If I had studied a subject this much in college, I would have graduated with honors! I've been having a ball reading posts, deciphering the abbreviations for everthing and analyzing every workout! So far, I haven't read a single bad review of Cathe or her videos. This site is so much fun and so informative and I also have to say you guys are fitness ANIMALS! I LOVE IT!!!

I'm an ex-spin enthusiast who had to quit the gym because it was getting too expensive and have been frustrated with the selection of videos available in the market. I found my old Gin Miller step video recently and had a total blast. I forgot how much fun step was. It got me in shape 12 years ago after my second daughter was born.

So anyway, I got so excited when I found Cathe, I went a little overboard (sounds like you all have, too!) and spent a small fortune on new videos. Of course, every 5 seconds I'm re-thinking my choices and wondering if I made the best decision, especially after reading a great review of a video I didn't get. But then again, they're ALL great, right?!?

I bought and can't wait to receive: Basic Step & Body Fusion, Imax 2 & Cardio Weights, Low Max, Muscle Max, Stretch Max, Core Max, Kick Max, and Timesaver. I think I'll have to circle the next ones I want in the catalog and *discreetly* leave it on my boyfriend's kitchen table!!! :p

I'm really looking forward to getting to know everybody and sharing ideas and reviews.

Whew, now that I've ordered and registered and posted my first message, maybe I can get some work done now!! :)


you sound like me. Loved your post. I was/am still excited and I've only been here a week. I read and yesterday, spent another day reading these boards. Bet your jealouse. Ha ha. I couldn't belive how long I was here. I was trying to get some code in that didn't work gave up and found more things to ask about.

I asked a question a week ago, how did you get smitten or something like that? boy, I don't know what it is either but you're suppose t be here. Feels very elite or just the right size for me. Advanced or not. I am happy to say I finished my first week of Cathe even though I took two days off, it's still a week and for me, that's deserves a nod!!!! So, enjoy, relax and don't second guess your choices. They are want you want and need.

Working towards Perpetual Motion
Welcome to the fold Angie! Yes every single one of Cathe's DVDs are wonderful. You won't be sorry w/purchasing any of them. Your next purchase, if I may suggest, should be either Pure Strength series or Slow & Heavy to round out your library for starters}(

Enjoy! Kathy:D
Hi Angie, Welcome I saw you post and thought it was so ironic, because that is exactly how I was. I started using Cathe's video about 2 and 1/2 months and have accumulated the exact same videos you have with the exception of Imax 2 and Cardio and Weights. I receive KickMax and LowMax yesterday on my birthday ( Happy birthday to me:D :D). Now I have the hardest of times doing any other videos from any one else. Funny I told the guy at the post office he will not be seing me for a while now I am already tempted to get the gym style series. Lets see how long I hold out:D :D

Hi Angie and Welcome!

I could have written your same post a year ago when I found Cathe! Don't worry too much whether you made the right purchases...you will eventually end up with them all! I'm still working on my collection and every few months I add to it as I can. If you have questions, please ask!

Get ready to have some fun! Great to hear from you!

:D Nicole
Thanks, Kathy - yes, you and anyone else may definitely suggest any other video - I need all the help I can get! ;-)
Welcome Angie,

One of my favorites right now is HSTA (High step training advanced). But you have time to get that one later, for now enjoy all your new ones!!!! You are going to have a blast!

Welcome Angie!!! You won't be sorry that you got involved with Cathe or this forum. Cathe and her workouts are simply the best, hands down!!!! And the people on this forum are great. Very informative, educated and entertaining!! Glad to have you aboard!!
Hi, Bev!

I admit I'm a little intimidated by HSTA (look at that, I'm speaking Cathenese!). I don't own a high step (I have a long Reebok step), and I have some minor knee issues that should clear up once I start taking glucosamine again. So I'm trying to stay slightly low to the ground for now...ala Low Max!

Thanks, everyone, for the warm welcome! I feel like I'm part of a very elite and wonderful club!


P.S. I got an email that said my shipment should arrive Monday!!! Should I call in sick to work?!?!?!?
Welcome to the club. The funny thing about the videos is that you have to have them ALL. I have been 'collecting' for the last six months. I'm still actively buying and yet there's at least 3 or 4 DVDs brand new in my cabinet which haven't made it to my rotation yet - but they will one day and I'll be ready LOL! It's nice to have a big selection 'cause you'll never get bored.
Hi Angie!!! Welcome to the ANIMAL exercise group!!...:)...this is just the start for you of a very wonderful and inspiring journey. Although I found Cathe about 1992, when I logged on to these forums it made all the differnce. Great and very knowledgable people here. And some crazy coffee drinkers...:)

I agree about Slow & Heavy and the Pure Strength series. Oh my and also the Intensity series....I better stop....as you see it gets very out of countrol..... :+ :7 :) ...Carole
Hi Angie!
I am fairly new, about a month to Cathe and I aslo cannot do high impact becasue of my knees, but I am getting better.What do you take for your knee problem? I ordered Basic step/body fusion and high step circuit for beginners, you can do this, even with your knees. It is contagios here and I love the quick response to questions we get when we post. Yes, we are sort of in a new club and I am loving these ladies as much as trying the new workous.
Welcome, Angie. I guess the question should be, What has Cathe done to me?:)

Because I've been wondering the same thing. I've been using her workouts for almost 2 years, but since her HC series came out, all I could think about every day is what rotations I can make, combining HC with the BB series, HC with the Intensities, HC with Pure Strength, and so on and so forth... I have a legal pad getting full of notes. It's crazy...:) But you'll have fun, I'm sure. As I am.

Hi Angie,

I was in your shoes exactly one year ago this month - I was using FIRM and Taebo only, and someone turned me onto Cathe. I used my tax return last year to stock my DVD library, buy a step, risers, and a barbell. I"m so happy I did!


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