What has working out during pregnancy done for you?


Ok this is kinda a personal question but while pregnant how much weight have you gained while working out during the pregnancy? Also have you lost any leg muscle since the pregnancy? I am not pregnant but when I do get pregnant again I am going to do it much smarter than the last (meaning not gaining a ton of weight for my 5'1" frame). Also I want to have a reasonable idea what the body does while working out while pregnant. How do you think you look pregnant? Would people be able to tell the differance between you and another pregnant woman who doesn't workout? I know the body is WAY out of the norm during pregnancy so I was just wondering. Oh by the way I really admire you gals who are working out with a bun in the oven! ;-)
That is an intersting question. I"m not pregnant either - maybe in the fall we will try for #2. So any answers you gals have would be great!

I would also like to say that I second it!!! I too admire you all that are working out while pregnant. :)
This is a good question. I am pregnant with my second--due in July.
I did not exercise during my first pregnancy. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and put on about 50 pounds. It took me about 9 months to get back down to my prepregnancy weight.

With this pregnancy, I have so far put on about 23 pounds (with 2 months left). I do not have any blood sugar problems this time around. Everyone is telling me that I look very "healthy". My face is not puffy, my arms are definitely more toned (which is a good thing considering it is sleeveless weather here in Georgia). I have lost some of my leg muscle, but only because I have not done ALOT of legwork. At this point, walking and modified step aerobics are the extent of my cardio sessions. I am doing upper body lifting and Some lower body toning. Hope this helps. I highly recommend being active during pregnancy. I really do feel alot better this time around.
EDD 7/25:)
I am petite too, at almost 5 feet. I exercised faithfully dring my pregnancy and gained a little under 25 pounds. During my pregnancy my butt and legs remained toned and i definitely looked like I exercised. I did low impact step, hi/lo(mainly low) and weights. My daughter is now 8 months old and I am back in preprego shape wearing size 2's and 4's.
Much taller- I'm 5'8"...I gained close to 35lbs with last pregnancy. However, I lost 30lbs within 3 weeks, and all within 5 weeks. I feel as if maintained my tone throughout pregnancy & easily re-gained it within 2-3 weeks of exercising post-baby (had a CSection & had to wait longer to exercise). I contribute my fast weight loss to continual moderate exercise during pregnancy & breastfeeding. :eek:)

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
I have had 2 children and am currently pregnant with my 3rd. I wasn't as fit when I was pregnant with my son as I didn't workout like I do now. I mainly walked a bit with my husband. Once I got pregnant with my first, I started doing pregnancy workouts and continued walking. I gained 33 lbs and felt like I had my old body back within a couple of weeks of giving birth.

After I delivered my son, I started working out a lot more. This is about the time that I found Cathe. I was in great shape by the time I got pg with my daughter. I continued working out throughout my entire pregnancy (not starting til 18 weeks due to a.m. sickness), not really with weights as I was still pretty new to them, but on a 6" step doing Power Max and Step Works as my main workout tapes and taking 4 mile fast walks with my husband and son. I gained 25 lbs with this pregnancy. When I was in L&D and they took my resting heartbeat, they kept asking me if 50 bpm is normal for me and were very impressed when I said yes. When I went to my daughters appt at one week of age, my husband said to the nurse, "Doesn't she look great?" and the nurse said "Yes. I was going to ask her if you guys adopted, but then I remember seeing on the chart that Dr Herron checked on Annelise in the hospital." I started easing back into my workouts around 2-3 weeks.

With this third pregnancy, I felt as if I was in the shape of my life. I am having a harder time working out this time around, I think mainly because I have so much more going on. I have 2 kids, my son is in school, my business has grown astronimically, etc. But I have been working out 3-4 times per week with more variety this time than last, and am still doing weight training. I have gained 12 lbs so far and am 23 weeks on Tuesday. I still fit some of my prepregnancy jeans that are extremely low rise, except I carry a lot of water in my legs when I'm pregnant (they've grown by 3 inches or close to it) so I don't like the way I look in them anymore. Luckily, I remember from my first 2 pregnancies that the water weight comes off very fast. I CAN'T WAIT!

Anyway, I highly recommend working out during your pregnancy. Overall, you will have more energy, feel better, & look better all the while increasing your health and that of your babies. Studies have shown an increase in intelligence in babies of mother's who exercised. You will also bounce back to your prepregnancy shape much faster as well.

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