I think this may be a good post Bill, but I can't get past the red letters on you sig - THEY ARE TRAUMATIZING ME!!!
Just kidding!
I think that anybody who stands up and is willing to risk their lives for the freedom of their own countrymen is remarkably brave, and those that are willing to stand up for the oppressed halfway across the world are my complete heroes and I have no words to describe how I feel that such people exist in this world. I don't have to agree with how things are being done, or disagree, to know that this world is a better place because Sadam Hussein is no longer in power breeding hate and killing his own people by the millions. I can support that effort, and the efforts that are being put into keeping another Sadam from rising. I would like to hear more from what good is coming from this war, and there is a lot of good! The media and liberal entertainers only wants us to hear what is going wrong, and we are supposed to believe war is the wrong way to do it. The Nazis weren't defeated because they surrendered after a long discussion and compromised, they were annihilated by armed forces (go Patton!) and that is the only way it could be done because madness and insanity don't listen to reason. If people are willing to blow themselves up just so that they can kill you or their own countrymen, it is stupidity on our part not to stop them before another 9/11 occurs.
I am grateful that I live in this country, it is the best in the world. I have everything I could ever want I am rich by world standards. I can make the choice to start my own business, live where I want, eat what I want, spend my money the way that I want, pay less taxes than most other countries... I can even bash our president and hold marches outside his own house against him, I even think I will invite Streisand and Clooney!, without worrying about getting tried and convicted of treason and then hung on a noose or shot by a firing squad. How many people can say that about their country?
btw, I love the term "hollywonks!"