What fitness magazines do you suscribe to/read? TIA

Thanks so much for your reply! May I ask how you like all of them? TIA
what is the experience life one....is that the name?
There is a lot of information in Oxygen and Fitness RX. They both show you different exercises to do and have advice on nutrition. I really like them. The one is called 'Experience Life', I am not sure when it came out. It seems to have a lot of information it in too. I have a few issues and it is Lifetime Fitness that is putting it out.
I buy my magazines. Mostly I pick up Oxygen and Muscle & Fitness Hers. I have been getting Fitness through the mail because my grandchildren had a money campaign at school and this was offered. I thought this was better than getting candy or wrapping paper. Oxygen is the only one I really like. Muscle & Fitness Hers has been kind of a let down lately. I get Fitness Rx sometimes. I have not really liked this that well. Muscle and Fitness is informative once in awhile. Muscle Media is good sometimes. It realy depends on what you are looking for. I just want to see new moves and have some motivation. Also I like to check out the recipes.
Diane Sue
I no longer subscribe to any. After a while you realize they are repeating both eachother and themselves.

I merely flick through them at the bookstore cafe once in a while.

At the moment I'm checking out Expierience Life, Yoga Journal and will be looking at getting Body and Soul. I just go into a big bookstore and just look at the fitness magazines, I'm not much for Shape or anything like that I try to find some that include the entire body , mentally, physically along with family life.
I subscribe to Oxygen and Muscle and Fitness Hers, I too have been disappointed in Muscle and Fitness Hers. There was a magazine I was picking up at the store called Energy which gave some nice moves and was refreshing to browse through. I agree that a lot of the magazines seem to repeat themselves.
>I subscribe to Oxygen and Muscle and Fitness Hers, I too have
>been disappointed in Muscle and Fitness Hers. There was a
>magazine I was picking up at the store called Energy which
>gave some nice moves and was refreshing to browse through.

Muscle and FItness Hers (before the change) and Energy for Women were the two I liked best. Then MFHers changed into a clone of all the others, and Energy for Women ceased publication.

But good news! It looks like Muscle and Fitness Hers is returning to something closer to its original format (ironic, isn't it, after they published all those letters to the editor praising the new format?).
Oxygen and I will go back to Muscle and Fitness Hers if they change their format back to the way it used to be. :)
Both Muscle Media and Energy for Women stopped publishing. Not sure why because those were two good magazines.

I get Yoga Journal (like this one), M&F Hers (will stop getting once subscription runs out), Oxygen (still debating if I really like it or not, may stop receiving once sub runs out), Fitness RX (I like this one).

Too many to remember!:D Let's see, Oxygen, Women's Health and Fitness, Fitness Rx, Living Fit, and I was getting Energy - did they stop publishing this?? Susan
>Too many to remember!:D Let's see, Oxygen, Women's Health and
>Fitness, Fitness Rx, Living Fit, and I was getting Energy -
>did they stop publishing this?? Susan

Yes they stopped publishing Energy almost a year ago.
I love Oxygen. They give pointers and also have some great sounding recipes that I do intend to try...someday:)

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