What does one do when they...


have a whole two days to themselves, no hubby, no kids, no teaching classes, absolutely no obligations whatsover, but has a 1 gallon bucket of vanilla ice cream, heavenly carmel sauce and a Nestle Crunch White bar calling out her name from the fridge??

Well, call me an exercise fiend, but to battle my craving for junk (I'm hypoglycemic and I KNOW refined sugar is NOT agreeable with me) I broke-in 5 my Cathe CTX pack!!! I pre-ordered these last June and have had them since August and due to time constraints, there they sat, until today! It took over 4 hours of my day as I did all of the strength at once, Chest, Back, Shoulders, Tri's & Bi's, then I did cardio a few hours later (after I'd had a recovery meal) and completed the cardio of Kickbox, 10, 10, 10, Step Intervals & All Step. Tomarrow, (if I can still hold a weight...) I plan to do Leaner Legs and the cardio of Power Circuit.

I really, really really enjoyed these workouts! Not only did I win my battle with the junk food but I was inspired once again to really take the upper hand in my meal planning and foods that I choose. Cathe is so inspiring to watch and just knowing that she had little Eric not long after these videos were filmed suggests to me that she LIVES fitness, she doesn't just preach it! She's being teaching for so long, her body has been a testimony of the fruits of her labor. After having a 2-year depression, I put exercise and nutrition on the back burner and in the last year and a half I've been putting effort into re-examining the foods I eat and making constant changes in my workouts. It's so hard to loose those last 10 pounds!! I returned to teaching in January of 2000 and it was the real start for me at being truly fit. I wanted to emulate my love of exercise and its benefits. Being an instructor most likely helped with my endurance to get through this exhausting but fun workout marathon day, and I honestly don't think I would "over-train" for anyone else besides Cathe!

Overall, I was very pleased that the music was so great; all the strength exercises fatigued me (I noticed many of them are BodyPUMP exercises which I also teach so the form pointers sounded very familiar!) and the cardio choreography was fun as well as intense. I really enjoy Cathe's style of hi/lo, I wish she would do an ALL hi/lo video (hint, hint).

Anyhow, I'm sure I was craving more than junk food tonight, I miss my family and I'm sure glad I didn't nurture myself with the junk food. I'd been having a "sugar hangover" in the morning!!!

Thanks for "listening"...I rarely post anymore, but I still lurk close to everyday. It's fun to "see" all the new Cathe-ites!!

Stay EternalEFit,
Myra :D
Good for you!!!!:-jumpy:-jumpy:-jumpy You should be so proud of yourself!!! Consider this a big pat on the back from me.
Well, seeing that I got through with the cardio portions after midnight last night, and didn't get to bed until 3AM, I didn't get too much sleep last night, but overall, I feel pretty good! My abs are about the only thing really screaming at me, with my lats coming in at a close second! I'm a little disappointed cuz I really felt the work in my chest, shoulders, tri's & Bi's too, but I don't feel too much, YET!

Well, I'm off to do Leaner Legs now, I'm not sure if I'll go through with Power Circuit's cardio portion yet...I have to pick up my son soon. I wouldn't recommend this marathon to anyone who's fairly new to Cathe, but it was FUN!!! Nevertheless, I don't think I'll be doing it with the S & H Series!

Waiting for my rest day Sunday,
Myra :D
I hear ya!

Hi Myra,

Your post made me laugh because I did something very similar last week! I don't have kids, but my husband went to Peru last week for 10 days. Last Saturday, I did all of the PS series in one day. One workout before each meal. I had a lot of free time that day. It was tough but I felt very good afterwards (and very sore the next day). I think you and I are both crazy! As long as you only do that once in a blue moon, not on a regular basis. It really is like running a marathon.

RE: I hear ya!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-24-01 AT 01:16AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Myra,
I understand your marathon day completely! I've done similar "workout days" when I've been fighting depression, & not only do they chase away the blues, they're really FUN! :)

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