What does a Pilates mat provide?


What is special about a Pilates mat? Is one necessary?

Presumably, they provide some padding, but, working out on a carpet seems OK.

I think that another thread said that they are "sticky". That would make "rolling like a ball" easier, since sometimes I slide when doing this one, and it spoils the move. This happened a lot at first, but, if the roll is just right, even this move is OK. Other than this, would a sticky mat add anything?

Cinza, if you see this, a search on Pilates here listed some threads with your excellent descriptions from about June 01. The details and fine points that you list will be very helpful. Thanks for sharing all of that information.

As a general comment, this Pilates is great, in that it fills a gaping hole. I have almost no core strength at all. That seems so silly! Can anyone relate some of the gains that they've had with Pilates? Does it make you feel different? Have you found it easy to stick with?

Thanks, in advance, for any inputs.

Hi TK!

I don't find a yoga or Pilates mat necessary when I work at home on a carpet. We double-up at the yoga studio where I take mat classes because we're on a wooden floor.

I don't understand how sticky or not helps "rolling like a ball". I do find the "sticky" surface helpful for some yoga & stretching moves.

What's Pilates done for me? Obviously core strength for fitness & normal activities. Improved posture, improved flexibility especially hamstrings & hip flexors, better diaphragm breathing which allows me to climb aerobically (vs anaerobic) and some mental benefits too (positive imagery, etc).

I find it easy to stick with. So nice to finish a workout energized!
Debra, thanks for the info.

I asked about the benefits to know some of the things to be sensitized to, and pay special attention to. It's funny that you mentioned mental benefits. I was going to ask about that too, but it seemed silly. Hamstring, and hip-flexor, strength and flexibility are sorely needed. I'm glad you mentioned those.

Regarding "rolling like a ball", imagine doing it in such a way that you don't roll back far enough to be able to return to the upright position. You can almost get there, but end up rolling back again.

Often, on the carpet, when reaching the farthest point of the roll, my back will slide back (in the direction of the head) by about 2-3 inches. What happens is you rotate down, but without moving forward. You don't get forward momentum from that, and then you can't roll all the way to the upright position. It's just mildly annoying. I figured some stickiness would prevent the slippage. If you do the roll just right, with the right speed and momentum, you don't slide, but get it just a little bit off, and you slide, so, it's kind of tricky and distracting.

I hope that explanation is somewhat clear. Apparently, you've never experienced this. I just don't want to buy something for just this one problem.

Hi! Just jumping in here...I just started doing a beginners Pilates tape (Living Arts from Costco). I doubt it's the best quality tape, but...figured I'd just spend $10.00 first to see if I like it, before splurging on a better one.

I have a thick exercise mat, but find that it's too thick - so I'm looking for another mat & just wondering if a yoga mat is the same as a Pilates mat??

Also does anyone have some good tapes to recommend?
Hi, susan-lynn.

If you search any of the forums for Pilates, it will return a LONG list of threads. I've pretty much just looked at the ones in the Open Forum with Pilates in the subject line, and even that small sample had a lot of references to different Pilates tapes/instructors. I think the same 4 or 5 instructors get mentioned, repeatedly, so this might help narrow down the field for you.

They also refered to the Video Fitness and Collage websites for reviews of various videos.

Hope this helps.

Yes, the Pilates & yoga mats are the same. It's thinner than a regular exercise mat & can roll up.

TK, I think you'll solve the slippage problem by just working a little deeper in your core when you get to that slippery point. I'm not sure a mat would help.

Susan-Lynn, I second TK's advice about checking at video fitness' forum for Pilates tapes. There are quite a few new ones & your personality is a major factor in making the right choice. Some of the originals (Stott, Kries) are too low key for many.

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