What do you think???


What do you all think about Metabolife or Metabolite???I know it is far cry from the perscribe meds but is it all that???I teach everyday if one more person comes up to me and says that they are on it I am going to scream....Don't they know if it sound too good it probably is???Just curious what you all thought?Thanx.
I think its crap...

I personally think that all those pills, drinks (like Slimfast), ect.. is all a bunch of bull and a big marketing gimmick for the people who produce them to make big bucks off of people because there are too many people who are to willing to buy these products. Exercise and eating a good diet is the only way to go. I know several women who over the years have tried every diet and supplements on the market and have lost weight but never exercised and then went right back to their bad eating habits and gained all their weight back. They all want some miracle without changing their behavior. Some of them have went as far as to have the stomach bypass surgery. I think that is a very drastic thing to do. They lost the weight and they have kept most of it off but they are so unhealthy, bad eating habits and no exercise. Iam by no means an expert and I know that there are people who are extrememly obese who have serious problems loosing weight and they may have to do something drastic to loose weight under a doctors care but the majority of the people could do it on their own.

Sorry about going on and on but I am totally against any of these schemes.

Resisting the hype...

...is hard. We're all wishing for something to make the fit life a little "easier." But substances like ma huang that mess with your heart can be dangerous, and no one should take this lightly. Substances like Slimfast and other fake foods aren't so dangerous. But for the 225 calories in a can of Slimfast (ask me how I know this!) you can eat a pile of veggies and have a glass of milk and get way more enjoyment and nutrition. Same with protein powders.

Pass up the pills, please. Especially that fat blocker that gets so much tv time these days. Listen carefully to the side effects (eeewwwww!) The truth is boring: healthy nutrition and a consistent, effective exercise routine will get you where you want to be, or darn close. Nobody wants to hear how hard it is!

And since we're on Cathe's forum here, I want to say thanks to her for making the exercise part convenient, inexpensive, and a lot more fun!!

I wish what you just wrote would be plastered all over the media. I hear and see all these ads and I just shake my head. And, my thanks also to Cathe for those same things that you said!
it comes back to the basics

So many of the over the counter medications are indeed dangerous, especially if the person taking them is on other prescription medications or have hypertension or heart disease. But even the prescription meds only work if the person does two essential things-eat right and exercise. It sounds boring (as a health care provider I know how hard it is to sell this approach) but it's necessary for weight loss and maintenance. All of the commercials make me upset as they tend to target those who are looking for a quick fix, but these are the people that need to make permanent lifestyle modifications! Sorry to be so long winded but it's something that really gets me going!
You're right!

I could make a pretty darn good meal for 225 calories. Pita stuffed with veggies and tuna, fruit, carrot sticks. I would much rather eat food than drink some shake. I'm probably the only one in the whole world who has never even had a slimfast! I always think I'll still be hungry after drinking one then end up getting the 225 calories plus a meal! A shake just does not seem like a fulfilling meal to me!!

I am so glad I am not the only one of these opinions...Please pass on the word.These pills can be dangerous if not taken properly and if taken with other perscriptions/herbal pills resulting with terrible side effects. Again thanx for your comments.
Nope you are not the only one

who has never even had a Slimfast shake. Never have and never will. I agree with the comments above whole heartedly. There is no quick fix and it especially annoys me when celebrities hype them up and get people's hopes up. What amazes me is that people actually buy into all that garbage.

Well, I am off for a bowl of cereal with fruit.

A friend of mine uses these pills, and . . .

. . .she's still got the same 30 pounds to lose that she did six months ago! She goes on these pills for 4-5 weeks, looses approx 12-15 pounds, then goes off the pills, thinking now that she's "motivated" she will eat well and exercise. She ends up putting it all back on again, and last time she put on an additional 5 pounds!

She's been doing this for six months now (what's that old definition of insanity?). In six months, I've been eating healthy, (and eating a lot more than she eats!) I've been exercising regularly, and I've lost 25 pounds.

Our society encourages instant gratification, not discipline and hard work. I've found the discipline of exercise and diet have spilled over into other areas of my life. The last six months of '99 were a remarkable tranformation for me and like others have said before, this site has been instrumental in helping me keep my focus! What a terrific group of people! I love it here!
if it was that easy....

...than everyone would be in great shape! The diet industry is just that an "industry". How many billions of dollars will people spend on lotions, potions, pills and powders, before they come to their senses? There is no quick fix, and no magic solution, just hard work and patience. By the way, I also have never had a "slimfast" shake, and drinking protein shakes makes me hungry! I'll take real food (and a great workout) anyday over all that plastic food/drink!
Danger! Danger!

Metabolife is speed (Ephedra) & caffeine - a very dangerous combination. What is the point of pursuing a healthy lifestyle while ingesting drugs? Time, Newsweek, tv magazines have done several exposes on the product & its promoter. He's a former police officer who got busted for selling speed. He's now just selling legal speed, & getting very rich. If you gotta have it, just drink espresso.
I agree

I agree that these pills are terrible. A DJ on the radio station I listen to all day is a spokesman for either metabolite or metabolife. For a while, he was giving a daily update on his health and weight while using the stuff. Now it's more like a commercial. One thing he does do is always say he eats a sensible diet and exercises while using the stuff. I think gee, if he's eating a sensible diet and exercising, why does he need the pill? And since he's on radio not television, who knows what he's really doing or what he looks like.

I don't personally know anyone who used the pills, but I had some friends who tried the Cabbage Soup Diet. After a few days they were falling asleep at work and felt very very sick. Boy am I glad my father was a health/p.e. teacher and taught me right! My diet isn't perfect, but boy is it better than most people I know.

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