What do you think of Timesaver DVD


Hi everyone!

I've been doing Cathe for over two years now, and I have almost all her DVD:s, except for Timesaver. I'm in decent shape, I can pretty well do all her tapes.

However, I'm at a stage in my life where time is really short, being a single mother with two small children, a full-time job (plus extras) etc. Even though exercise is a top priority, I know also sleep is important, so there are times I really need to compromise. So I'm looking for alternatives to make shorter days at least ones in a while. I would very much like to hear opinions on the Timesaver from those who have it. How tough do you consider it? How would you compare it to ctx? Especially those who have done Cathe for some time, does it satisfy that endorphin craving, or is it more for lighter days?

Thanks so much in advance,

I'' be doing the full Timesaver series all next week and will post my comments when I'm done, comparing it to CTX and the Body Blast rotation that uses her full workouts.
Hi Maria, I'm a single working Mom as well and want to get lots of bang for my buck and spend my precious workout time wisely. When I was replacing my Cathe VHS with DVD I started with the Timesaver DVD. At first I used it a fair amount but the more DVDs I got the less I used Timesaver. The cardio portions are cut and pasted straight from BodyBlast as are the weight sections except each one has a small portion of footage made expressly for Timesaver, they were novel at first but that wained and I used the Timesaver even less. If you have BodyBlast and CTX on DVD, in my opinion the Timesaver DVD is redundant. I'm sure others will have different opinions but that's mine, take it or leave it;)

Take Care
Hi Maria,

I really like doing a timesaver rotation when time is short and I need a light rotation. That being said, if it didn't come with the presale package I don't think that I would need it enough to order seperately, especially if you have the rest of the Body Blast Series. Being a single mom, I am sure that you have many other expenses and this may be one that you can pass on. Of course, if you don't have the BB series this may be a good purchase. Cathe's DVDs have such good premixes that you can make them as short as you need when you need time & energy for other things. I think TS is easier than CTX. It serves a purpose for me, but as I mentioned I think you can pass on this one.

Hi everyone!

Thank you very much for your answers. You basically confirmed what I sort of suspected, and I think you're right. Since I have all the other DVD:s, including Body Blast, I think this is one of the only Cathe's I actually can pass up. It's easy enough to build your own timesavers and use the premixes.

Beth, I will be looking out for your comments in the daily check-ins! Thanks for clueing me in!

By the way, if anyone has any good suggestions for high intensity workout30-50 min. mish-moshes, I'm all ears (or eyes...)...

Have a good weekend, everyone and thanks again!


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