What do you have planned for after the Intensity Series Rotation?


I know everyone is just in the beginnings of this rotation but was wondering if anyone has any plans for after? I'm an insane planner and always need to know months in advance what I'm doing. Just curious about everyone else! I get my tapes on Mon! Yippee!
I'm going to work in all the videos for the first two weeks (my DVDs get here Monday also). Then I'm thinking I'll do a Pyramid rotation with two uppers and one lower workout a week. I can't do more than two lower workouts a week very often cause of my knees. I'll do at least 3 cardios, but shoot for 4. And I'll probably do that for 3-4 weeks.

I committed myself (some people would like to see me committed Ha Ha)to the Total Body Blast Rotation for 8 weeks, getting ready for week 5. I thought I would do the Total Body Conditioning for 2 weeks, but also incorporate S&H. After that ?
Perhaps the Total Body Blast + Terminator for one week,as I should have my DVD's by then. (I'm going to order them Monday...:D) Then on to a Muscle Endurance rotation.

There is so many possibilities, right? LOL

I'm trying to spread the new workouts out so that I don't start hankering for NEWER new workouts by Cathe too soon (since we only get them once a year). I'm planning in using all the workouts (except for the Terminators, which I've decided are too intense for me!) about three times each over the course of four weeks. Then I think I'll go to a S+H/cardio rotation for two weeks (S+H each once a week, with two to three cardio per week), then maybe to a rotation emphasizing muscle endurance and circuit training, mixing up PH, Boot Camp, Cardio and Weights, Body Max, Circuit Max.
Hi there,
Ive just come off an 8 week endurance rotation, so I am doing the PUB-PLB twice a week rotation, but mixing up the cardio a little bit, I think Ill do this for 6 weeks, then go into a slow and heavy rotation for 3 weeks. Thats as far ahead as my little brain can handle!!

Have a great day
I'm thinking about doing a recovery rotation (either Firm or CTX) for about 2-3 wks and then a S & H rotation for 3 wks....maybe an endurance one after that. I'm waiting to see what kind of results I get out of the Total Blast rotation.
Hey Cbelle! I'll be going off of Cathe for 4 months(as planned now doing one class a week with her bodypump pm/ or Kickboxing am class alternating either each week)I'll be doing the newly released Cia's 2300 series for 8 weeks working out with a 3 days on and one day off sequence-then I'm onto a Fitprime rotation(AWT) with all 6 of their releases!I too plan in advance;-)
I LOVE to plan, but I don't seem to stick with/enjoy anything for much more than 3 wks at a time. So, 2 more wks of Joyce Vedral rotation, then 3 weeks Total Body Blast, then 3 wks Strength rotation with Cathe's new Pyramids, then 3 wks Endurance rotation with new vids, then 3 wks Tank Top rotation, the 3 wks FIRM rotation....on and on and on.....:7
I'm a planner too! I am going to do Cathe's Total Body Blast Rotation for 4-8 weeks (8 weeks if I'm still seeing results after 4) and then move onto an endurance rotation doing ME 3x's a week. I then will probably incorporate PH into the mix and do 2 and 1 or 1 and 2 of ME and PH per week. Prior to the I-Series I did a 6 week PS rotation and then 3 weeks of S&H so I want to go into endurance for awhile. I usually like to do a CTX rotation for 4 weeks after my PH rotation as a segue into my strength rotations, but I don't know if I can wait that long to start a PLB/PUB rotation. Can't wait - the combinations are endless!!!
I plan to do the Total Body Blast for 6-8 weeks then move onto to possibly PH,ME,LLegs rotation. I haven't decided. I may purchase the S&H series and do that. So many decisions!! Susan
Hi Jo ! If you are not familiar with fitprime check out www.fitprime.com and you can read the descriptions of each video.
My all Fitprime rotation will be consisiting of doing all their available videos in a row taking a day off then picking up where I left off!
Sun- Weights First
Mon-Core First
Tues-Up and Down
Wed- From the Ground up
Thurs Steamin cardio
Fri-Strong Bear* so far the best tape in series,then WF(IMHO)
Sun-Fast Cheetah
Fri-Steaming Cardio
Sun-Strong Bear
Mon-Fast Cheetah
SAt OFF(and so on til my 8 weeks are up)
Francine and others. Can you please tell me about the Fitprime videos. Are they as advanced as Cathes? I checked out their Web Page but they do not say if they are intermediate or advanced. Are they similar to the Firm? Any info would be appreciated.
Fitprime is intermediate level if you are a diehard cathe addict! If you are a firmie it is intermediate/advanced level! It's hard to even compare other videos to Cathe's consistent challenging advanced workouts! Just to let you know off the bat I have 3 instructors that I adore, Cathe, Mindy Myrlea and Tracie long! So this is my personal opinion on fitprime so far Weights first and strong bear are the best to me! Tracie is the lead in these videos and her cuing is impeccable and her workouts are tuff! Fitprime is very innovative and totally different to cathe's style! Better than the new firms. You may like it or you may not. It all depends if you are looking for a "change" of pace and want to workout one on one with someone(there are no background exercisers here-and the set is a lil cheezy) But the workouts are effective!(IMHO)HTH;)
I just wanted to be sure and thank you for responding...apparently at the time I posted my question, the email wasn't working so anyway, THANK YOU!
Your welcome! I just received my 2 tapes from Fitprime ,Steaming cardio and From the ground up Yesterday! I'll preview and post a review later in the week! I'm already counting on just intermediate level but looking forward to see the various kickbox sections:)
RE: What do you have planned for after the Intensity Se...

I don't want to burn out on the new intensity series so...
I plan to rotate weeks of:
Cathe Intensity series
Fit Prime
Mindy Mylrea Interval and weight work. Both new and newer when they get here. (Also Keli Robert's new CIA tape)
Gin Miller Simply Strong and Leigh Crews Final Cuts with Karen Voight Intervals
Pilates workouts whenever I get the chance. (Really love these)
Yoga for stretch.
Other Cathe tapes.... i.e. slow and heavy and ctx

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