What do you drink when you're working out?

>I like the Super Orange the best.
Yum! That's my favorite, too! The local health food store hasn't had that one in lately, though. Have you ever tried the cola? Tastes like a cola beverage, but without the phosphorous. I'll have that once in a while, but not when I workout (I prefer citrus when I work out).
I drink about 20 ounces of water with Emergen C in it too...ever since Mogambo recommended this....it's a ritual now too. I put in two packets...one is triple joint power lite and the other is tangerine flavored - called "4 joints". I have sore knees once in a while and feel that I need the glucosamine and MSM that comes with these...seems to have helped. Tastes great - I used to drink water for years until this winning combo.


Kathryn, I hate the cola for some reason, but my kids LOVE it. They have so many flavors - there's got to be one to please everyone!!!
WATER, WATER, WATER -- if one drinks anything with sugar in it, a person runs the risk of ruining the pleasant results of your workout
This may be difficult for normal day people to figure out. I am a third shift worker. I work out after waking in the afternoon. I start the workout with a glass of prune juice then move into water.

After the workout I have my coffee. The coffee is the "carrot" taht gets this "mule" through the workout.

I also workout first thing after waking up, though for me it's in the morning. I use about 1/4 cup of OJ diluted in a 16-oz water bottle to get thru an hour of cardio. On the days that I do a weight workout, that happens after work usually before dinner when I'm hungry, so the very diluted OJ works for me there, too--gives me the energy to get thru it. I only do the first glass that way, though, and drink tons of water for the rest of the workout.

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