What do you consider Cir.Max to be???


Active Member
Is it more cardio or strength?
Okay, I know you wonderful people will have great advice regarding this, but I planned on doing a circuit workout today, but I feel pretty sore. Monday was an unplanned rest day so yesterday I did Intense Moves and then later Power Hour. Would it make sense to do circuit max today or should I just stick with a straight cardio? I'm really not good at knowing what is the better way to go....any help and what you guys would do? Thanks so much in advance:) :D :D By the way, that was my first time doing PH and WOW!!! I thought I was going to collapse during the lunge section. (My cat was just staring at me as I screamed you want how many more low ends???!!!):7
I consider it cardio. I also enjoy doing this as a cardio/leg circuit (thanks to Aquajock's suggestion) by omitting the compound movements and doing squats, plies, and lunges with a loaded barbell during the weight segments.
Cardio. But if you are feeling sore, I would sub an easier cardio for today and save circuit max for the next day becuase it is a tough cookie, not a walk in the park!

This is definitely just cardio, but I tend to not do it the day before or after a leg workout anyway. The upper body stuff is truly insignificant and can be done the day before or after any upper body part.
"Circuit Max is a 60 minute workout based on the circuit training concept.
This time efficient workout consists of 6 cycles, each containing 5 minutes of cardiovasular conditioning, immediately followed by 2 minutes of muscular endurance training. This intense workout will help burn body fat and increase lean muscle mass. Not only that, but it's fun, full of variety and and will keep you motivated for workouts to come."

There's the desription of Circuit Max. So I'll change my answer from strength to cardio plus muscle endurance training. The cardio portions are tough.


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