What can I use to sub for Gym Style Legs? (problems!)


What Leg dvd workout can I use to substitute for the GYM STYLE LEGS w/o, when on a Gym Styles rotation? I'm fine with the other Gym Style workouts--only Legs is a problem.

I've been doing:
4 wks: Slow & Heavy
4 wks: Pure Strength
4 wks: Slow & Heavy
4 wks: Pure Strength
4 wks: Slow & Heavy

So far, so good. :) But, this week, I decided to try the Gym Styles. I had viewed the GS Arms, Back, Chest, etc and Muscle Max dvds. No problem. The pace seemed a bit quick, but do-able. I never opened GS Legs, until yesterday. NOT good. :-(

First, I did Step Jam. I usually do NOT tack on a leg workout, but the Holidays have messed with my schedule! I need to fit this leg work in. So, after Step Jam, I went to GS Legs.

1- the moves for the squats and lunges was WAYYYYYY too fast! OMG. I thought my knees would blow out! There was no time to set up, or to check my form. I used 40lb, which is what I use in S&H, expecting it to me LIGHT..since I thought S&H made you able to lift less wt. I could barely do the 40lb squats at such RAPID speed. It was a pain to try and pause the remote with a 40lb bb on my back! And slowing down the reps would make this type of w/o ...moot. So, what do I do? Are you supposed to use LESS wt on Gym Style Legs? I'm confused here.

I felt the w/o was ineffective for my body. I ended up adding 2 sets of 35 reps with only 25lb for leg extentions. And 2 sets of 15 reps w/25lb for leg curls. That fatiqued my quads and hams enough, at the end of GS L.

2-The deadlift on the step wasn't comfortable for me at all. So, I went and did a 2nd round of regular deadlifts.

At the end of the wt work, I felt as if I was not getting a good workout, compared to S&H or PS.

FLOOR WORK: horrible for me :(

2- please no flames, but, this was a HUGE waste of my time.
I couldn't do the ball work. I spent most of the time trying NOT to fall off the darned thing. And no, I don't care to try and master it. Right now, I'm too pressed for time. I want an EFFECTIVE workout for my body/ability, and the stability ball was awful. JMO.

3- band work: another NOT for me type exercise. I didn't feel the step ups with the band onto the step. I used 4 risers, and used a low grip. Zippo. Nothing. Waste of time. I suppose I can MODIFY by using dumbells, but what is the point of even trying to follow GS Legs, IF I end up "modifying" every exercise? seems pointless.

4-lying down band work (inner and outer thigh). No, not good. Uncomfortable. And I didn't feel the moves. I'd rather use anke wts, or use the body bar, as Cathe does in Pure Strength. I'll try to modify IF I ever come across this type workout again.


So, basically, I skipped MOST of the ball work, and got so frustrated with the band work, that I didn't do much of that either.

I ended up feeling like I wasted my hour. But at least the bench leg extentions/curls made me feel a bit better.


My goal is to build upper body mass, and gain definition in both upper and lower body. I have good muscle mass in lower body, and while I don't need to gain there, I def do not want to lose it.

My main goal is to keep my metabolism revved up throughout the day, and the only way I seem to do this is by getting good, effective weight work. I get a good pump after either S&H or PS. After GS Legs, I felt nothing, other than annoyance. LOL


Can I sub, say , Leaner Legs or Legs & Glutes, or Pyramids Lower Body, or something else in for GS Legs???? (not PS or S&H, as I use those in other rotations). At this point, I just have no desire to try and work on the stability ball or any leg band work (band wk for upper body is fine, for me, though).

Much thanks! I feel so disappointed with my Leg workout from yesterday. :( I'd been on such a high these past few mos, since I've been totally loving PS, S&H, and really been having fun with Cathe's Step routines. This GS Legs was just a downer...I just don't want to get discouraged with my being Core-challenged. rofl I just want a good, no nonesense leg workout.
>Can I sub, say , Leaner Legs or Legs & Glutes, or Pyramids
>Lower Body, or something else in for GS Legs????

You can substitute any lower body workout that you feel is effective for you.

I personally like GS legs, but S&H legs is another story. Don't like it. Don't do it. If I do a S&H rotation, I substitute with PLB (or maybe even a Firm lower body workout).
You should watch the previews to see which leg workout you think you will like. The previews are 8 minutes long. PLB is a lot like Gym Styles on the floor work with the ball, so I don't think you'd like that part of it. Lean legs is pretty good, but you might get frustrated with having to change your barbell weight a lot since she does the exercises circuit style-cycles between squats, lunge, dead lift, etc and then repeats. There is no floor work in it. Legs and glutes is done very fast with much lighter weights and doesn't sound like what you are looking for although I think it is very tough. You might preview it and see. It would be a good cross training for the SH and PS legs I think because it is so different. But of course, you would have to LIKE to workout to do it!
I have PLB, but I haven't viewed it yet. Thanks for the info on it.

I think it sounds as though Leaner Legs is the one I should try next (I have it in vhs).

As for Gym Style Legs again, should I try to just use a LOWER wt, in order to be able to do the fast reps? or would lowering the wt just make for a useless w/o? In other words, I'm not sure if:

1- I'm just going too heavy, for this rapid pace


2- maybe this "rapid pace" style is just never going to be good for my knees.


I just did Gym Style Back/Shoulders/Biceps, and I totally loved it! The pace was avg, and there were even some slow counts. It seems as though this GS w/o doesn't even belong in the same series as GS Legs. ? I wonder what the tricep/chest w/o will be like? I'm hoping it will be similar to today's! :)


I gave GS Legs another go of it, yesterday! I'm happy to say that I DID end up liking it much better, than my first try. :) The speed on the initial exercises IS still very fast, imho. But I did lower my wt, and I still felt challenged, yet was able to keep up the pace much better! :) I also DID see that she does incorporate "slower" timing on subsequent exercises. Don't know how I missed remembering this? Maybe the initial warp speed excercises just stunned me too much. hehe

AND *drumroll, please* I actually was able to balance myself on the BALL! whoopee!!!! As for the moves themselves, I still need a lot of work.

AND *another drumroll* I DID do all the bandwork this time! gosh, I got so upset over the floorwork last time, that I must have shut the dvd off after just a few of the bandwk moves. I loved the outer thigh work with the bands.

So, HUGE thank you to those of you who pm'd me and posted, telling me to not give up (on this thread and the other). I appreciate it!
Hi there,

I didn't see this post when you originally posted it, but I'm so glad that you didn't give up on GSL. I think that's my favorite leg workout. I really feel the burn in this one!

I felt that way about some cardio/step DVDs that I bought, but am so glad I didn't give up on those either.

Good for you!

I felt the SAME way about GS: Legs. I bought mine from Collage Video and thankfully I was able to return it! I found PS: Strong Legs and Abs - and it is one of my favorites! I seem to like Cathe's older version videos because she doesn't seem to use any "gimmicks" in the workouts, i.e., stability balls or bands - neither of which I like. Anyway, I think "PS: Strong Legs & Abs" has to be one of her best. I bought Legs & Glutes (VHS) version, and the music is so overpowering that you can't hear Cathe's cueing at all.

Try it!

Interesting I love L&G and never found the music overpowering and I have it on VHS!

I did GS legs for the first time yesterday and liked it a lot. I didn't go terribly high on weights though. I just could NOT balance on the stability ball though!

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