what are your suggestions!!!


I've been doing step aerobics for 2 years, 2 days a week with an instructor and haven't lost any weight!! Our instructor changed things around and started doing Cathe's tapes!! We do cathe's tapes and gilad tapes-1 1/2 hours longm 3 days a week!! Im having a hard time with keeping up-im getting really discouraged-does anybody have any suggestions?!! My weight is really bothering me lately-I'm 5' 2" and 157 lbs!! 32 years old!! I feel Im active but, I also like to eat!! I only drink 1 pop a day and o.j. or water. I have a big belly and hip's!! Cathe's tapes are extremely challenging but, they are fun to do!! I just wanted to get some feedback or other people's suggestions!! Please let me know-what you think!!!
Hi Jodi-Are you currently lifting weights? That will definitely speed up your fat loss. Even if you are doing cardio, each year we naturally lose small amounts of muscle mass. Even if you eat the same amount of food you did 5 years ago, the lost muscle mass will slow your metabolism. And your body will need less and less calories to exist on. The only way to speed up the metabolism is lifting weights.

Cathe's tapes are very hard - even for seasoned exercisers. When I first started doing step aerobics, I would only do 30 minutes at a time. Each week I would slowly add more time. Also, you may want to lower your step or just do it without a step.

I started off with Gilad and Step Workout with Gin Miller.

Have you tried any interval training? That will help build your endurance as well.

HTH :)
Thank you so much for your advice!! Im not too sure what interval training is? We use weights for about 20 minutes- in our 1 1/2 hours of workout 3 days a wk!! We do a cathe tape then gilad tape's and they have weights in their tapes!! Should I do weight lifting 3 days a week? My husband says Im just getting more solid and Im not losing anything!! A little confused
Are you going to a class where they use videos? Do they have you pay? (Just nosy)

It sounds like you are going in the right direction. When you are lifting weights you do get solid and eventually, you will see that some of your clothes will start to get looser although the scale may not change.

Try to replace the pop and OJ with water. Just like a budget, all the details add up to a large total over time.

Keep up the good work!
Hi. Just wanted to add some encouragement. Like you I had been working out with cardio and weights for many years, but am 5'4 and had gained weight over a 5 year period to 153 lbs. Last March (2002) I joined weight watchers. Although I alway felt I ate good foods, I found I ate way too much for what my body needs. Weight watchers really worked for me. I had started using Cathe's tapes about 4 months before I joined weight watchers. I had great muscle under layers of fat. In September I reached my goal weight and with the layers of fat gone, my beautiful muscles now show. I have maintained my weight but it is a constant struggle. I love food - period! However, the benefits of feeling better, lower cholesterol and looking better have given me such great positive feelings about myself that it is worth it! Sometimes, and I believe MUCH of the time it's about what we eat. If you are happy where you are then keep working out and don't worry about the few extra pounds. If they are making you miserable, take a serious look at your diet. I guarantee changing your diet, along with what you are doing, will give you results.

Good luck in all you do!
Hey JodyLynn,

It sounds like you've gotten some really good advice here, so far. There is only one piece of information that I want to disagree with.

As you begin to build muscle your body will need MORE not less calories to survive. HOWEVER, that being said, your body will burn those calories more efficiently if they are the right calories. As Connie said, get rid of the pop & oj. They are high in sugar and will actually sabotage your efforts.

Go ahead & eat, just start writing down everything you put in your mouth. You'll be surprised at how much you eat that is full of fat & calories. I don't eat a lot of so called "fat free" foods because those are high in sugar. The food industry has learned that to make those foods taste good they have to add sugar. So, I just watch how much I eat of those full fat foods.

I like to eat, too. I don't believe in deprivation. I eat smaller portions of ice cream & cookies so that I can still enjoy myself. LOL For instance, if we go out for ice cream, I've cut back to the little two scoop sundae instead of the 4 scooper. Instead of having 5 cookies, I'll eat 3. When I eat those three cookies, I savor them. I will actually let it "dissolve" in my mouth. The flavor is what it's all about. Instead of having a whole skinless boneless chicken breast (which is almost 8 oz), I'll have a half. I eat a lot of vegitables & baked potatoes instead of mashed. I do use fat free sour cream & I use I can't believe it's not butter spray for butter flavoring.

Simple things can go a long way to helping you. If you aren't willing to use portion control, you will never lose weight. That's what it comes down to. You don't have to give it all up, you just have to cut it down.

Good luck.
Hi Jodi,
Interval training can be done on the treadmill or any piece of cardio equipment. You vary your intensity in cycles. For example, 2 min. you can walk briskly, then 2 min. jog, then 2 min. of walking again to recover. Repeat. You want to tax your system to work a little harder for a short amount of time and then go back to your regular pace. That really helped me with my endurance. Cathe has 2 workouts like that called Imax and Imax2. I think Imax2 is way more fun. They are great workouts. You can modify to your fitness level. Also, Gin Miller has an interval tape called Intense Moves. It's great. Another one is called Energy Sprint by Karen Voight. I started using Karen's tape, progressed to Gin's. And now I use Cathe's Imax2. Gin's tape grows with your progress though. You will not outgrow that one.

I think others have suggested ditching the soda and the OJ. Small changes make big changes in the end. Instead of having OJ, have an orange. It will keep you full longer and is more nutritious than the juice.

I journal what I eat and practice portion control. You may want to keep one for a week or two to see what you are eating. A lot of times you can make just a few small changes to see some fantastic results.

Hang in there! I know it can be frustrating, but sometimes the changes we make may not be so apparent from the outside. Each day is bringing your closer to your goal. :)

My best friend who is 5'3" used to weigh 270 lbs. In a little over a year she has lost 115 lbs. She started working out with Gilad and some of Cathe's weight tapes and walking. She practices portion control and nutritious eating. She is still working on her goal, but she has made incredible changes. Sounds like you are on the right track.

I think Gilad's tapes focus more on an endurance type of lifting. Not saying that's bad - it's definitely good to lift weights in many forms. I think to get some good muscle you may want to try lifting heavier - like Cathe's PS Series.

Good luck!
Do you watch how many fat grams you eat in a day and count your calories? If you can find lower fat versions of your favorite foods, give that a try and snack on healthy foods such as fruit, popcorn etc. I find by eating smaller healthy snacks throughout the day, I do not pig out.;)

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