What Are Your Quirks?


Hey, gang! Someone posted this topic on another forum and we got an amazing - and gratifying - array of responses. In hopes of finding some fellow whackos, here goes me:

1. I have to eat up my afternoon M&M's in groups of 3;

2. I drink cold coffee and hot water in the morning;

3. I have to unstaple and re-staple 99% of the sheafs of paper handed to me, because the edges aren't trued up correctly;

4. I fiddle with the eyelashes at the corner of my left eye until the mascara is all rubbed off;

5. I have to read the newspaper in a certain order every day: variety/lifestyle section (with advice columnists) first; then national/international news; then local news; then business section; then sports section if I'm really bored;

6. I like to eat my dinner laying on the floor on my tummy in an oversized tank reading the paper and watching TV - simultaneously;

7. I double-brush my teeth every morning with two different kinds of toothpaste;

8. I fax my valentines to my husband every year;

9. I always make my husband order something with french fries at a restaurant so I can graze;

10. I once did a people search and found - and wrote down - a prominent actor's home address and telephone number.

Please let me know I'm not alone!

Sorry to disappoint you, but neither I, nor anyone else on this forum have any quirks. You are the only one. :)
This should be interesting :).

1. I have to set out all my weights exactly the same way every night before I go to bed so I can be ready for the a.m. workout.

2. I ALWAYS drink from a 1.5 liter water bottle. When we have company over for dinner, I serve the guests in glasses and myself in my big water bottle.

3. I pick at and bite my cuticles because a babysitter once told me (when I was a kid) that it helps get rid of the dead skin. Now it is an awful habit!

4. I have to eat two apples a day or else I feel like I am having withdrawals.

5. When I bake chocolate chip cookies for DH, I burn them a tiny bit so I can nibble off the burned edges.

6. I check my email probably 10 times a day at least.

7. Same as Annette's number 10 - make DH order French fries so I can graze!

8. I make DH rub my back, neck, legs, feet, etc. all the time, but I never rub anything for him because I hate it. I know, I'm selfish :).

9. When I was younger I used to read the encyclopedia when I would get bored; breakfast was my favorite time to read, and I wouldn't talk to anyone until I was done. I'm not like that anymore, though.

10. I can't think of anything else!!!

Fun thread!

Let's see...

I have to have a cup of hot tea every morning with (please don't gasp) exactly 4 and 1/4 tsps of sugar.

I'm a huge bookworm and whenever I get to the half-way point of a novel I make sure I know the next one I want to read so that I'm never a single day without a book. (The book club obviously loves me).

I have to pay all my bills at least one 1 week early in order to get a good night's sleep.

I'm sure there are more!

1. I like dill pickles and milk together.

2. I *have* stir up my ice cream till it's the consistency of mashed potatoes. (Now, it's my Sugarbuster's ice cream).

3. When I'm eating, I finish one thing and then go to another. I never eat some of everything.

4. I twist my hair into knots while reading or watching TV.

5. I never wear shoes, jewelry, make-up or a bra in the house. I can't stand it and when I walk in the door, it all comes off.

6. I have to have all my videos lined up in the bookshelf, right on the edge in an even line. Grouped together by instructor. Cardboard covers together and hard cases together. It irks me that there isn't room for 4 of them and they have to go on the desk part of the bookcase. I don't consider this a 'quirk', tho. I think it's a 'gift'.

Robin http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/flower.gif
After reading ya'lls quirks I was struck with a half-baked thought...knowing your quirks and having them is very cool and shows a well developed sense of self. I'm blithely unaware of my quirks and will be getting back to you on this one. I feel privileged to be sharing net space with you amazing people!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-08-02 AT 03:39PM (Est)[/font][p]1. I hate waiting for new books in a series to come out, so if it is going to be a trilogy I wait until they are all out, then check them all out of the library and read them back-to-back. (Exception. Robert Jordan Wheel of Time Series for obvious reasons)

2. I can't work-out if I don't have a bandana and a wrist band.

3. I will not wear short pants to the gym. Ever.

4. I have a deep aversion to the color pink and will never keep anything given to me that is that color, or eat off flatwear that color, etc. etc.

5. I am scared of cats. Not to the point of phobia but I have nightmares about psycho cats all the time. I love kittens until they become cats. (I was mauled by a cat when a baby, don't remember it.) :-hmmm

6. The sound of chewing- even when I can hear my own chewing like chips or celery- makes me insane. My DH eats crunchy stuff in another room or turns the tv WAY up cuz he knows it makes me nuts (I think this IS a phobia) :-rollen

7. I have an issue with the phrase "in regards to"

8. I have some terrible issue with Cybil Shepard despite the fact she is not an evil person and has never done a thing to me

9. I always do crunches before class at the gym, even if I only have time for a few.

10. I set up my Feng Shui (sp) the EXACT same for yoga no matter where I am. Mat faces a certain way, candles a certain color and scent at certain focal points, etc.

P.S. Love this thread. :7
Just curious--do you people with a lot of quirks have any children? I think I had a few quirks before kids, but found them totally disrupted--unquirked--when my boys were little. They usually interrupted any train of thought, any much-loved routine (reading the Sunday Times straight through, doing the crossword, for example)--fuhgettaboutit! Eating on the floor and whatever was on the floor, now that's something I tried to get my kids to stop doing, so doing it myself would not have set a very good example. Now I don't think I have any quirks like those you describe--I am quirk free!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-08-02 AT 03:42PM (Est)[/font][p]Gooooood point, and Nope for me, no kids yet. BUT I live with a 3 year old. Her mommy is my roommate. Let me tell you, the house I share is nowhere near the AR kind of neat my place was when I lived alone and now that I am used to it, clutter doesn't make me crazy like it used to. Gotta love kids, they tend to adjust your perspectives. :)
I have a 2-yr. old and a 1-yr. old, and I can only think of a few quirks that have survived:

1. I eat peanutbutter and fluff with a spoon, right out of the jars. I take a spoonful of one, then of the other - same spoon, so if fluff gets in the peanutbutter then I have to scoop it out and eat it, and vice versa, and I have to keep going back and forth since some of one always gets in the other. If I don't get firm with myself and say "PUT THE SPOON DOWN NOW" then I'll stand there and eat it till it's gone! If frosting is ever around I'll eat that out of the can with a spoon too!

2. I get all bent out of shape if the bed isn't made and people put stuff on it. I especially hate how dh lays down for a nap, and pulls up the comforter up right over anything that happens to be lying on the bed! Nothing should be on the bed when you go to sleep!!!

3. When I work out indoors I have to wear shorts. No pants. It really bothers me in Cathe's videos where she and the other women have pants on instead of shorts!

Can't really think of any others. I think having kids definitely de-quirked me a lot!

Candice :)
In the morning I have to have a few cups of black coffee and read the newspaper (not thoroughly but I have to get an overview of what's going on out there).

I have to be on time for everything, from getting to work, to dental appointments, to meeting a friend for lunch. I get really stressed out if I think I will be late for something.

I can't stand to be around anyone chewing gum, especially if they're snapping and popping. I just want to smack them.

I arrange my lipsticks in my makeup drawer in three compartments: neutrals, cool shades (pink, berry, etc.) and warm shades (browns). I get really pissed at myself if I carelessly throw them in the wrong compartment.

I am sure I have lots more quirks but those are the ones that come to mind right now.

I can't believe I am telling people this stuff.

When I go to the movies I always buy a box of Milk Duds and I DON'T TOUCH them until the "feature presentation." I can't open the box during the previews, only when the movie starts and not even during the opening credits, there has to be dialogue. I spend the time during the previews giving disapproving looks to the people who have already started eating their candy. I'm also scared to death of birds for absolutely no reason at all that I can remember.
I can't bear for different items on the plate to touch each other. If they do, I can't eat either one.

I get dry heaves if I see someone put jelly or jam on anything, or ketchup on potatoes.

I've never drunk coffee in my life. Never. Not one drop.

If I have a good day in the markets, I wear the same shorts or pants (I work at home for myself) until I lose money on a trade.

I go ballistic if my DH sits in my office chair or touches my computer.
Hmmm....what are my quirks....After reading all the posts, some of you have reminded me of some of mine!!

1. The loud chewing thing drives me insane also...I CAN NOT handle it...even if it's a kid. I will always tell them, nicely, to not chew loud. Slurping liquids is another one...I don't care if it's going to scald you...do it quietly, or don't drink it at all!! In the past, I have HAD to get up from the table and actually leave when my father-in-law is eating. It's hiddeous. (the loud eating AND drinking....BLECH!!)

2. I eat Goobers peanut butter & jelly out of the jar, with a spoon (or my finger...whichever...).

3. I eat ice cream out of the half gallon containers....I'll bet EVERYONE does that, though, huh??

4. At Thanksgiving dinner, I usually HAVE to eat cranberries and stuffing together, in the SAME bite.

5. I also must arrange my workout tapes evenly, usually by instructor, and if possible, by type of workout.

6. I also am bothered by Cathe and crew wearing pants INSIDE for working out. I work out in my basement, which gets really cold in the winter, and I'll still wear shorts.

7. I graze on hubby's and kids' french fries!

8. I don't like to share my Circus Peanuts or Candy Corn.

I think that's it for now. This thread was so much fun to read!! Thanks everyone!!

Caroline Knorr
OMG - great thread! I really recognize myself and a few people I know in some of these quirks. I think some things are truly universal. I am right there with you on the chewing and the gum-chewing. I often have to move my seat in the movie theater SEVERAL TIMES to escape loud chewing. I wish my husband would go into the other room when he's crunching, but of course, he considers my aversion to the sound to be my problem. Gee, I wonder why?

Well, you guys covered some of my quirks already, so here's one I haven't read. I am totally addicted to the sound of white noise. I used to have to sleep with a fan -- even on the coldest nights of winter. Now, I have an air purifier that has a fan-like sound, so I have that on 24/7 and I switch it from low to medium to high several times throughout the day depending on what extraneous noise I want to shut out!
Love this thread!

1. I can't climb stairs without counting them in my head. (just up though, not down)

2. I can't lift weights without counting the reps, even when I know CAthe is going to tell me when to stop.

3. I clean myself in a certain order in the shower : wash hair, wash face, wash body, shave.

4. I refuse to backtrack. If I have to stop for gas, it MUST be a station on the side of the road I am currently on. Errands must be run in order of location.

5. I am the only person on earth who HATES with a passion E.T. for no apparent reason.
Having a slow day today, are you, Aquajock?

I always eat pie from the top down, scraping the filling totally off the crust, then I eat the crust.

That's all I will admit to right now. If I get brave I'll confess more.
Hi Annette,
I have so many quirks. Many of them I wouldn't confess to, even if you paid me. I can tell you a couple though. I can't drive in heavy rain or thunderstorms. I completely go numb. I sweat more in the car during a thunderstorm than while doing MIC. As long as I'm in a house, thunderstorms don't bother me. Someone else mentioned counting as a quirk. Me too. I count absolutely everything. Go ahead and admit me to the nearest hospital, I can use the rest.
What a HILARIOUS thread!!! :-gloat

Okay ... here's what I'm *neurotic* about :

:) I too *highly* encourage friends and family to order anything that comes with french fries .. so I can graze

:) I MUST eat dinner each night during the 6pm Friends re-run. If it's a day when it's not on (like Sundays, or if there's a late afternoon Cubs game on), I feel incredibly "OFF"!

:) I am the only person that I know that wears shoes from the second I get dressed in the morning, until the moment I go to bed. They don't come off otherwise.

:) I *have* to make my bed every morning the second my feet hit the floor, before I even brush my teeth.

:) Dishes in the sink harbor the potential to drive me MAD!!

:) The only way I eat peanut butter is right out of the jar, on a pretzel stick. Cereal is never eaten with milk, straight out of the box only!

Hmm .. I think that's it for now!

~ Nicole
I'm with you on the dish thing, and making the bed. My two big ones are that I must have tons of ice in anything I drink, and when I go to bed at night, the sheets must be perfectly smooth with no wrinkles. My hubby gets a laugh out of that one!


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