What are your primary fitness goals this month?

Hi Ladies!

I seemed to have missed the original posting too but would still like to list my goals and do the check-in at the end of the month. I really just began my fitness program this Monday. I've been exercising sporactically abd it shows that I haven't been consistent. So my goals are:

1) focus on weight training - 3 splits during the week, 1 full body on the weekend

2) no eating or snacking after 8:30 p.m.

3) lose 1-2 pounds

4) before the month is out go on 2 short runs (4.5 miles)

5) use my new workout journal

I think that's enough for starters! Can't wait to report in at the end of the month! Will do my best to stick to my goals!

1. lose body fat. I go friday to find out what it is now. I would like it to be under 16%, but I know I need work.
2. increase muscle by increasing variety of my workouts. I get in a rut because I like a particular workout (like MM) and I stagnate.
3. keep portion sizes within reason, eat SLOWLY and savor my food. WHEn I was a kid if I didnt eat fast enough my Dad would take food off my plate.
4. Reduse the size of my d@#& thighs. There is tons of muscle under there but I cant see it. I did find I fit into a size 6 jean from Victoria's Secret perfectly. It felt good, but I can get to a size 4. I know I can.
5. Stay away from junk. No PMS chocolate treats for me! Easier said than done, but I am geting better with the help of my nutritionist.

Sorry for the long winded message.
Hello gorgeous girls! We started a "Monthly Results Check-In" this month. I want all of you to join. We are a small, but hard working and determined group at the moment}( . We are posting our monthly results for May at the end of the month. Here is the link for all of you that didn't join or didn't see it the first time.

By the way I'm doing great at the moment. Saddle bags are slowly but surely slimming down. I guess it's all the cardio :)

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