What are your iron levels???


I was just curious if you guys monitor this or if we homebirther's only do this. I just went to have my levels checked and I am at 11.1 which is on the low side but not actually terribly low. They did a finger stick initially and the levels were 10.7 and the doctor's assistant said "I don't believe that, if your taking a supplement every day they can't be that low". So they did a blood draw (more accurate) and the next report was 11.1 which was better, but I'd still like to get it a little higher. I'm taking Floridix which is a very absorbable iron and I'm going to double this get the levels up. Just wondered where you all are at and what you are currently taking. Thanks ;-) ;-) ;-)

I think my iron labs are right around 12-- which is normal. Are you tired or symptomatic at all?

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
I have been tired, but it seems to be getting better lately. I know that being a vegan lessons the iron levels somewhat, but the comfort level of eating this way through pregnancy really outweighs a little tiredness. I have added some eggs into my diet to help the protein, I can't remember if eggs have much iron in them, but I'm cooking them in cast iron which should help. 12 is a fine level, I'm trying to get mine up to that but at this point in the pregnancy it's really hard to do....this is about the point in which the iron drops a little as the baby absorbs it. Thanks for the feedback...do you take anything for iron or just a normal prenatal. (those prenatals STILL make me sick so I have cut back on them, but continue to take the Floridix for iron - it kind of makes me feel yuck too!!x( x( x(

Actually, I have found a prenatal vitamin that is PERFECT for me. With my last pregnancy, I didn't take them much b/c they made me sick. As a pharmacist, I had the distinct advantage of looking up the ingredients & comparing/contrasting. I started of with Niferex-PN & then tried a couple in between. Now I take PreCare and I have had NO side effects! No nausea, constipation, nothing. I take my vitamin now every single day-- compliance is not very high amongst pharmacists (we sometimes feel immune to all the nagging we do to our patients :eek:) ) Anyways, I know it's later in your pregnancy... but maybe you could take to your pharmacist about getting your prenatals 7 days at a time until you find one that works. Or better yet, see if your ob/gyn has any free samples.
BTW, it's nice to hear from you. This forum has been pretty vacant lately. We must all be sitting back enjoying our pregnancies too much.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

My iron levels always got to borderline low between six and eight months, then they would go back up. I found it to be a pattern during my last five pregnancies. I think what you are experiencing is very normal. What you are doing is good, I wouldn't add anymore iron if I were you.

My iron levels are normally very good when not pregnant and I do not take any vitamins - but I always did when pregnant - because I know baby takes alot - 12 - 16 is a good level - so you are not what I would deem too low.

Hey, you are getting down there - only two months to go - it seems like just a few months ago you announced you were expecting. I hope things are going well for you - I always enjoyed being pregnant (except maybe the last few weeks) There is nothing like feeling life!

Thanks for your input Melanie and Cheryl. I should try some other prego vitamins and see if that helps. Melanie...are the ones you are referring to all by prescription?

Cheryl, I'm a little concerned about the iron thing because last time I REALLY bled post birth. The birth was so fantastic and when the baby came out I felt like I could go jogging...literally. I stood up and delivered the placenta into a bowl while standing and nursed baby and didn't get any post birth pains like I should have been getting....thought it was just a blessing....BUT it was not!! I actually had some retained pieces of the placenta still inside and for some weird reason I wasn't contracting and after about three hours blood started really pouring out and I had to go into the hospital and get something to make my uterus contract...I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS AGAIN! I hate hospitals with a passion. Now, granted this wasn't due to the iron levels, but a higher level probably would have helped.....and I was wiped out due to all the blood loss....and anemia. Hopefully I can keep the levels from dipping any lower this time!! Pray for a safe birth and lots of painful uterine contractions post birth :D :D :D (yuck I hate asking for that!).

Hey Briee, I saw your name and HAD to look at this board, even though I am not pregnant. On the iron thing, I know eating raisins and/or prunes is a really good way to get it up. I love the orange or lemon essance prunes.

The other thing I was going to tell you is that I finally got a little weight lifting Snoopy! Not exactly like your frog, but he is sure cute!!:D Just had to share that, even if it is silly!
Dani.....you are so funny. I'm sure snoopy is helping you lift more, longer and stronger!! Glad your checking in...even on the preg forum. I have to be honest...I haven't checked in on the regular forum too much lately. Good to hear from you and thanks for the information!! I'll try to check the regular forum a little bit more when life slow down here!! Have a great week.

Yes, all the prenatals I have tried or Rx only.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
I know about the iron thing from when my oldest son was little. He went through a time where he was borderline anemic. Hard to understand because he was very healthy and breast fed to boot. He was eating finger foods, so that was great because he loved raisins. The funny thing is that I crave them.......about once a month:) I don't know if there is a connection or not, but I do believe your body can ask for what it needs.

Way to go with home birthing!! I was never THAT brave. I love the idea of it, and truly condidered it, but there was a terrible birth story (happened to a friend) right at the end of my pregnancy, and I baled on the whole thing. Though my badge of honor is totally natural births. The first labor was not easy. 54 hours and three trips to the hospital. 3 hours of pushing, and I finally got my precious little guy. Who is now bigger than me and calls me his "little mom":-( Where does the time go?

My iron's above 12 now but for a few months after having Max, it was at 7.9! I felt constantly drained no matter how sleep I got and did a blood test and was shocked by the results. My hair was REALLY thinning out and the palms of my hands were actually white (and I'm of African origin - lol!!)

I was put on 600mg of iron a day and this has increased my iron to its current levels.

So rest assured that you're not doing badly at 11/12 ;-)

If I am not mistaken, isn't this your sixth pregnancy? The reason I ask is after so many babies the uterus doesn't work as well after delivery and sometimes during labor.

I know my uterus did fine through number six - but once I had my seventh I had to be on petosin(IV it brings on uterine contractions) for 24 hours after the baby's births. I had alot of problems with my uterus not contracting which in turn made it so I bled lots and I would pass HUGE clots - it was so scary - even with the massaging of the fundus.

I really didn't care to be on petosin and have an IV after the last four babies - but I have to tell you - I had no clotting problems or heavy bleeding post partem - a big bonus was that my uterus was back to prepregnancy size within a week!

I was diagnosed with a lazy uterus once I delivered number 7 - my water broke and my labor didn't start on its own - had to be induced - to make a long story short - I had fore bag of water form - once that went the labor went much quicker.

That all worried me with the other three but my uterus handled the labor well - just not afterwards.

I know you do not like hospitals - I don't either - I just thought I would let you know my experience and what helped me.

On the iron, I think it will mend itself out for you in the next few weeks - I think it is quite common - as long as you do not go below 11 I think you will be fine.

I hope this helps you some.

Okay Cheryl, now we need to talk.....I almost would like to give you a call. This sounds like just what I went through and I'm wondering how to handle it this time.

A few questions. What did you mean by "I had fore bag of water form - once that went the labor went much quicker"??? Did you have to be induced with all your pregnancies after number 7, (or including number 7?)?? Did they have to break the water to make labor progress or did they REALLY have to induce you. Once my water breaks I seem to go pretty fast, but now I'm a little concerned as you said once you got up there in the number of pregnancies....when your water broke you didn't go into labor.

I do not want to have to get in a car and drive to the hospital again this time....and I lost a load of blood. They told me to really work on the uterus massage this time, but you mentioned that that didn't help you. They did put me on pitocin once I got to the hospital and my uterus continued to contract after I was off of it, but I'm wondering what I can do at home for this. Isn't there some herb that can help?? You'd think with all our exercising that we would be in great shape and not have this happen. I have SO many friends with 10-12 children and this doesn't happen to them and they don't exercise!!!!! (guess Cathe can't fix everything, but she sure has helped a LOT!! :) :) :) ).

Any details you can expound on would be GREATLY appreciated...you have exactly 8 weeks to respond (ha ha) give or take a few days!!!

Actually, my water broke on its own with #5 and # 6, but my labor started on its own within a few hours - but not so with #7 - my water broke at 7A.M. and I should add that I measured 45 weeks with him, because I had three times the normal amount of fluid plus he weighed 9lb 14 oz.

I lost so much water it was unreal I leaked tons for hours - but my labor never started by 5 P.M. so they put me on petosin to start the labor and nothing happened, they kept upping the petosin. It was really strange when an intern checked me internally at about midnight and said "Did your water break?" I had a trash bag full of towels from the water leaking - Finally by 1:30A.M. - still nothing - then I started to pray, I was so tired - well, I rolled on my side and gave it over to the Lord - then WHAM! I felt this snap and I turned over and said to the nurse "If I didn't know any better I would say my water just broke!"

Guess what? Once that happened it was awful - I already had a ton of petosin in me - I had all back labor because he was face up - then I was told I had a forebag form and if they would have broken it hours before I would have went into labor on my own!

Well, 3 hours later, I did deliver. I was told I had a lazy uterus - they told me it didn't matter how much I exercised, you cannot exercise the uterus.

So, with #8 I prayed daily to not have as much water and for my uterus to be able to go in labor on its own - well, my labor started at about 11P.M. and I had him by 1:30 A.M. and never had my water break, but ended up not having much water!

I had never been induced before and it was the worst labor I had ever experienced!

But I must say my uterus doesn't do well after the deliveries by number 6 I would just gush blood and pass huge clots - the doctor told me the reason I was passing clots is my uterus was not contracting like it should be on its own, then it would collect in the uterus then push out these clots.

So, for my last four pregnancies - I was on an IV of petosin for 24 hours after delivery and they also gave me a prescription for them to take for a week. It helped immensely!

I didn't mean to scare you - but I was told it was a very common thing after so many children - they automatically give women the petosin after they have 6 children.

I delivered #10 quite easily also - 2 1/2 hours of labor - but #9 was much harder because he was face up. I had five face up babies. YUCKY!! There is nothing like back labor. And I have never had an epidural.

It is so nice to be educated to know be able to make the decisions we need to during this time - so maybe you can look into it now - maybe ask around or something.

I hope this has helped you. I am sure everything will be fine - but we can't help but worry about some of these things - expecially labor!

Cheryl, thank you for explaining all that. I have never heard of a bag of forewaters forming - very interesting. I've had back labor with both of my girls, the first one was much worse though.

I know this baby is face up right now, but I'm hoping that I can wiggle him around prior to labor. His/her head has been up (breech) three times already, but I've pushed him around and now he is staying head down. (too much room to move, but now it's getting tighter in there ;-) ). He is SO very active, but that's because his arms and legs are right there sticking out in front.

I'm praying about having the physician's assistant come just to hang around for the birth and then mostly to be there after the birth to control the bleeding, she could give me IV pit post baby so I wouldn't have to go anywhere. I would really like to have the baby with just my husband there, I'm not one of these really "touchy" people especially with women, and my husband knows what to do. When I had the first three in the hospital I can remember the nurses thinking my husband wasn't being sensitive and rubbing my back and all that stuff and they finally said something to him about it. He said "if you touch her, she'll hit you....hard". And I would have. Actually last baby, I just wanted to be alone, and I think I could have delivered her fine on my own. It's just those "lack of contractions post birth" that got me!! Then I was wiped out from all the blood loss.

Anyway....I appreciate you sharing your experiences, I will do some checking into this, I was just assuming that it won't happen again. Just a note regarding epidurals. I have never had one either, but have friends that have had problems resulting from them. It was interesting to note that when our dog had her c section last week, I commented to the doctor (who just had her first baby 6 weeks prior), "watching/performing a c-section really makes you want to avoid having one if at all possible" her reply was "that's true, it really is major surgery, BUT in my opinion I would be even more leery to have an epidural" She said if you realized how incredibly dangerous it is to mess with the spinal cord you would think twice before taking it so quickly. Even the most experienced person can have a bad day and being human, we can make mistakes, knowing the medical side of it...I wouldn't take this risk if not absolutely necessary. Something to think about. Yes there are cases where it is helpful and definitely needed, but should it be reserved for emergencies or handed out like candy is a question to ponder.

Thanks so very much again Cheryl.

RE: Well....

My Hgb is now 10! Talking about low, eh? The doctor doesn't think it's iron deficiency anemia though, b/c my platelet counts are low too. I guess sometimes that goes hand in hand.
I'll have to do some research on it. My dr recommended that I take an iron supplement though (which I am not very happy about). My bowels have been so regular with this pregnancy. I don't want to be constipated all of a sudden.

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
RE: Well....

Melanie, if you can find Floridix at the health food store, it's wonderful! Absolutely no constipation and it's highly absorbable, much more so than tablets. I finally found what I believe my problem was. I needed to take vitamin C along with my iron to make it more absorbable. I did this with baby number 4 and had no problems. I was actually taking loads of bioflavanoids (a form of vitamin C) because someone told me it would make for a strong birth bag. (I will never take too many of these again as my birth bag didn't break until the very end making for a LONG labor, I usually can go pretty quick after the birth bag breaks, so I'd rather have it break!!).

I'm trying to spread vitamin C throughout the day to help the iron absorbtion, don't know why I didn't think of this before. Let me know if this helps you too.


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