Cheryl, thank you for explaining all that. I have never heard of a bag of forewaters forming - very interesting. I've had back labor with both of my girls, the first one was much worse though.
I know this baby is face up right now, but I'm hoping that I can wiggle him around prior to labor. His/her head has been up (breech) three times already, but I've pushed him around and now he is staying head down. (too much room to move, but now it's getting tighter in there ;-) ). He is SO very active, but that's because his arms and legs are right there sticking out in front.
I'm praying about having the physician's assistant come just to hang around for the birth and then mostly to be there after the birth to control the bleeding, she could give me IV pit post baby so I wouldn't have to go anywhere. I would really like to have the baby with just my husband there, I'm not one of these really "touchy" people especially with women, and my husband knows what to do. When I had the first three in the hospital I can remember the nurses thinking my husband wasn't being sensitive and rubbing my back and all that stuff and they finally said something to him about it. He said "if you touch her, she'll hit you....hard". And I would have. Actually last baby, I just wanted to be alone, and I think I could have delivered her fine on my own. It's just those "lack of contractions post birth" that got me!! Then I was wiped out from all the blood loss.
Anyway....I appreciate you sharing your experiences, I will do some checking into this, I was just assuming that it won't happen again. Just a note regarding epidurals. I have never had one either, but have friends that have had problems resulting from them. It was interesting to note that when our dog had her c section last week, I commented to the doctor (who just had her first baby 6 weeks prior), "watching/performing a c-section really makes you want to avoid having one if at all possible" her reply was "that's true, it really is major surgery, BUT in my opinion I would be even more leery to have an epidural" She said if you realized how incredibly dangerous it is to mess with the spinal cord you would think twice before taking it so quickly. Even the most experienced person can have a bad day and being human, we can make mistakes, knowing the medical side of it...I wouldn't take this risk if not absolutely necessary. Something to think about. Yes there are cases where it is helpful and definitely needed, but should it be reserved for emergencies or handed out like candy is a question to ponder.
Thanks so very much again Cheryl.