What are your favorite Cathe workouts during pregnancy...


Hello ladies,
I'm starting to feel more like my normal, albeit pregnant, self again! SO I'm wondering what are the Cathe (or other)workouts that you find yourselves using as you progress into 2nd and 3rd trimesters? I'm 10 weeks along now, and haven't done anything for a solid month! (Well, except deal with nausea, fatigue and morning sickness!!).
I noticed on the other forum that Supersets and PushPull were being discussed, as in - these are found somewhat easier than Cathe's other strength workouts. Is this DVD one that any of you have incorporated into your prenatal routine? Also, how are you doing with Cardio? I remember from my first pregnancy that once I hit 3 months, I couldn't do any "jumping around" i.e. Kickbox Express.
I'm really interested to see what everyone is doing now that I feel ready to start - I'd love to get your suggestions before I dive in!


Isabella's mom -born 10-10-02; twin babies due to arrive 1-21-05!!
Congrats on your pregnancy with twins. During my pregnancy, my favorite cathe was her wedding tape. Easy to modify. My other favorites were gay gasper's greatest step(cia tape) and gay gasper's step and strike(i forget its full title it is by cia and does have a prego exerciser. ) My other favorites were my firms.
Hi Tricia - I am just about 11 weeks along with #1 so we are in the same boat! I also have discovered over the past week or two that I have a lot more energy than I did for a while there, which is welcome. I still do Cathe workouts almost every day. For cardio I like her older step workouts that are a little slower in tempo, i.e. Step Heat, Step Max, and Power Max. I also like to do the warm-up from Step Blast with the warm-up and step portion of SJ&P - just under 30 minutes but a good speed and impact level. I have re-discovered Rhythmic Step (modifying some of the impact), and I bought Basic Step and Body Fusion (which never would have interested me before I was p.g.). Basic Step is quite slow and basic so I think I will like it later in pregnancy; Body Fusion is a good intermediate level and I know I will use it a lot over the coming months. For strength I have been using PS, MIS, CTX Upper Body, and Power Hour the most. I always loved S&H but don't feel comfortable with it now, and I have had to lower the weights on certain exercises that felt too strained. All in all I am pretty pleased that I have been able to keep going with my Cathe workouts and hope to be able to continue all the way through, with more and more modifications of course. Good luck with your workouts!!

EDD 1/22/05

Edited to add I just noticed our due dates are ONE DAY apart! How exciting!
Hi Tricia. The workouts that I enjoy doing the most are Step Works, Power Max, all of the Cross Train Express series - her shorter tapes. I did the Cardio Kicks once but haven't tried Circuit Max yet. I find that the moves on the step are a lot more comfortable for me as my uterus gets larger from pregnancy (I am just over 6 months now). The reason that I think these tapes are best for me is because of the fact that they are the ones my body is most comfortable with/used to doing. I am still doing Leaner Legs once a week for my legs, although a few weeks ago, I did move to 25 lbs and stopped doing plie squats. I have used Interval Max, modifying the intervals, of course. I had started Cathe's newest set of tapes before I got pregnant, and really loved them, but I think that because my body wasn't as used to them, they are harder for me to do. You may try the tapes that you use the most and see how this theory works for you.

Best of luck to you.


Once I made it through the nausea, I relied on CTX, Step Heat, Step Jam, Step Max, KPC, CK, and now Basic Step for my cardio. I am 37-38 weeks and did CK and Basic Step this week. As Melanie said, the older cardio are little slower tempo but still great workouts. The only factor keeping me from my cardio is the discomfort in my hips and public bone since my little darling boy repositioned himself last Wednesday. :)

For strength, I have used PUB, PLB, ME, MIC, PH, MIS, & PS. I received the new series after I found out I was pregnant and just haven’t used it with the exception of KPC and the Timesavers. I am like Stacey and have stayed with videos I am familiar with using. Oh, and of course, I have modified as my pregnancy has progressed.

Good luch to you!


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