What are your fav & least fav. parts to work?


Hi Cathe,
I'm just curious if you have a preference or aversion to working certain body parts or doing certain moves.

For me, I love tricep work for some reason but I don't care for dips, they bother my shoulders and elbows so I usually substitute them with kickbacks. Lunges and shoulder work are a tie for least favorite - I love what lunges do for the "posterior" but my legs fatigue so quickly, even after 5+ years of doing them weekly.

This is just a fun question so I understand if your too busy to answer right now :D
Hi! I'm not Cathe, but I think this is a great/fun question! For some reason, lately I have just hated working my biceps!!!! I don't know why, but when I get to that part in any workout, I just wish it was over! I wonder what makes us like working some parts more than others?
I hate to do dead lifts b/c I never feel it in my hamstrings/glutes at the time, so I think it's just a waste. But lately, I've felt sore in these areas the day after, which makes me think that I must have improved my technique!!
Hi CurlyQ! I go through moods with weight training. I love the results of bicep work but the exercises are less inspiring than other body parts. Back is my vegetables workout. This is mostly because I know I am going to be so sore the next day that it will be hard to lift the kids, shampoo the hair etc. I love triceps and shoulders. There is a lot of variety and the pump in the muscle when I am finished is so motivating. Leg workouts have good variety but they seem to take so long. If I break up the workouts, I keep better focus. Chest is okay. Another one that has me too sore to do everday tasks the following day. Core is like a "touch up" workout for me. It is used in so many other exercises that I just comb through a few additional exercises a few times a week to keep it guessing. But every once in a while I like to do an all core workout to break through plateaus.

Fun question :7
Thanks for the quick response! I'm glad to know that even you have your less-than-exciting weight training areas :)
I hate lungesx( , my favorite to work is abs becuase you get to lie down on a cushy mat}( }( and take a nap..just kidding. but with abs you know you made it through another workout and your almost done..yeah!!
I would have to say that my core is my least favoritex(. Oh and I hate leg floor work toox( x(. I do those things because I have too.

Shoulder work is my favorite.
My favorite is biceps, I always see great gains working that body part, I love abs as well. I hate doing deadlifts so I guess back would be what I don't like to work too much.
Debbie in OH
Legs are my least favorite! My heart isn't as strong as my muscles, so when I'm lifting heavy, especially during lunges, even if my muscles may be able to handle a few more reps, I'm way too out of breath to do them. My current favorite is chest. Before Cathe, I never used to work my chest muscles because I thought it made boobs disappear lol!

I love to work shoulders. I hate ;lower body work becasue it is so hard. I dislike squats the most, I can tolerate dips. I guess lower body work is a necessary evil for me.
Shoulders are definitely my favorite--I pair that w/o w/my leg w/o so I have something to look forward to after the grueling lower body thing.

Back is my least favorite, & I can't even explain why. It just bores the heck out of me & is too hard!
This is a fun question :) My least favorite is legs and my least favorite leg exercise is lunges. Since I only workout at home I can't really get enough weight to completely exhaust my legs without doing a lot of reps. So they just BURN and CRY and WHINE for me to stop for a long time, but it seems I can always grunt out another rep. Major pain in the leg.

My favorite would be triceps. I can easily fatigue my triceps and they just completely give out and will not lift another rep. They don't really hurt that much, they just give out. Biceps for me are about the same. They whine for a bit then they just stop lifting and I can't move the weight one more time. I like that. I know they are spent and it wasn't extrememly painful to get there like my legs.
I HATE, HATE, HATE lunges (especially the explosove lunges) - but I do them anyway.

My faves are shoulders, biceps and back.
I love biceps and triceps because I feel so pumped afterward.

I hate legs and abs. Legs because they are HARD (and I get frustrated by how mine look) and abs because whenever I crunch I can feel my skin/fat pooching out :-(

Elbows!?! Too funny. I love back, chest, arms - all upper body. I get a good pump and I feel strong and powerful. I'm beginning to like legs. I'm focusing on form and squeezing my glutes and am beginning to see the fruits of my labor. I love when my legs and butt "ouch" with each step the next day. Such a nice "hurt". I hate working out my "elbows"!
I love working my abs and upper body.

My least favorite exercise is leg presses but I don't mind other leg exercises.

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