What are you giving up for Lent? (if anything)

I am giving up my sodas, saving the money, and donating it to the poor or some other charity. I am also going to attend Mass an extra day a week and maybe the Stations of the Cross. Maybe another devotion. I thought about daily Mass then pictured me dragging my kids out of bed to get there in the AM... then when lent is over they would be in that routine... so my sanity and sleep won. ;) Besides, I would be in the cry room with Jordan most of the time.

I'm LOL at some of your funny jokes here, ladies! LOL

I am giving up SALT! I have become addicted to it, especially at night, on my air popped popcorn (made with my old fashioned 1970's hot air popper, lol).

Also, like somebody above mentioned, every year I also ADD something healthy to my routine. I'm not 100% sure what that will be this year yet, but I'm working on it.

And, as I was raised Catholic and raising my kids as well, we follow the no meat on certain days 'rule of thumb'.


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