What are the best videos for weight loss.


New Member
I have quite a few of Cathe's videos, they include the the Cross Train Express Series, Pure Strength Series, Maximum Intensity Series, Circuit Max, Cardio Kicks, IMax, Body Max, Step Works, and all of her step videos from Mega Step Blast and on.

I have tried most of these workouts, and love them all. Can't wait to master them, and move on to the rest of her workouts. I would like to lose about 15 pounds, and would like any recommendations on which of my currently owned videos, would work best to accomplish my goal.

I haven't put together any kind of rotation, I also have no time on the weekend to workout. So basically, it's Monday through Friday. I also have a 17 month old that is VERY active, so my only time to exercise is during her nap time. Could someone out there help me put together a rotation, using the videos I have that will help me accomplish my goal. I really could use the advice. Thank you.
VF has a 16 wk. all Cathe maximum wt. loss rotation on their website.www.fitnessvideofanatics.com
It's really a 4 wk. rotation repeated 4 times. I'm in wk. 3 of the first cycle. I'm sure whatever results I see would be better if it didn't coincide w/ Christmas and Thanksgiving, but doing it now is making me more mindful of passing on a lot of the holiday that appear out of nowhere at home and at work. Clean eating is my big ongoing struggle.

If this rotation doesn't appeal to you, VF has others that might. My youngest is 11 now but I remember well trying to sneak in some time to work out during naps. It gets easier as they get older. Good luck.

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