what are "21s"


I keep seeing this term w/ STS - which came for me by the way. I know I'll find out, but in the mean time - any explanations?
Well, after doing disc 1, I think I finally know what these are!

It's a set of 21 reps for one exercise, for example, standing bicep curls, but in the dvd, we did 7 reps lifting only half way up and down, then you bring the barbell to the top of the rep and do 7 reps but from top to the midway point then back up again, then we did 7 full reps.
21s are a tried-and-true bodybuilding technique. They've been around forever. Why, you ask? Because they WORK. And if you lift enough weight, you WILL FEEL them the next day. She's done these in other workouts, as well.

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