What about equiptment??


New Member
Can I substitute free weights for barbells on most all of the exercises? I am doing the muscle tapes and all I have are free weights. I that OK? saw that Muscle Endurance has quite a bit of barbell work in it. What tapes should i get for weight training in my situation?
Thanks in advance...
I've been using dumbbells exclusively (up to 25# pair) for months. I have the entire Hardcore series, some from the Body Blast series and most from the Intensity series. I'm ready to start using my barbell for variety and because I'm ready to up the weights on legs, back and chest.

I think you'd be fine to continue using your free weights unless they're getting too heavy for you to hold them while executing the exercises in good form.

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
You can always substitute dumbbells for barbells (FYI: both dumbbells and barbells are "freeweights"). When doing squats and lugnes, you can hold the dumbbells at your shoulders (I bring them up to a hammer curl and a little farther and hold them in front of my shoulders) or at your sides.

When you do substitute dumbbells for a barbell, don't be surprised that the total weight you can lift is less (ie: if you can lift a 30# barbell with a specific exercise, 2, 15# dumbbells will probably be too heavy, because you have to stabilize more when using dumbbells, and the strong side can't help out the weak side).

One workout that uses only dumbbells is PUB (though PLB uses a barbell--you can always substitue, though!)
By all means, go for it! I am way too lazy to change out my barbell each time and I do have the capacity to do that. There is one tape that Cathe say's, you can use dumbells but WE are using a barbell to go through the same amount of time as YOU do. Little does she know, I pull out all my dumbbells & arrange them close by so I can easily access them and take a breather, while she & her crew are changing her barbell weights.


P.S. ME is great so is Power Hour.
I only have free weights and do fine with all of Cathe's weight training. I want a barbell one day but certainly the free weights are absolutely fine to use instead.


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05

8 month pic just added! EEK! lol http://www.PictureTrail.com/wendymin
I started using a barbell only when I started to need 35 lbs. I still go back to db's a lot. Since 2 db's can't total 35 or 45 lbs., that's when I'll use a bb.

I also use a bb for exercises like rows and deadlifts since I find it less irritating for my back with a bb. I alternate between db's and a bb for bicep curls and bench presses just for variation.

thanks guys...
I'm so excited because I found an exercise ball at Ross yesterday for only 4.00!! I was missing it's pump, but my husband has a compressser...Now I need a video or two that uses the ball!!

By the way, all of you look great...you make Cathe proud, I'm sure!

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