We're off to take DS to college!

My DD is a freshman this year at Catholic University of America (CUA) in Washington DC. CUA had a 3 day orientation for parents. We went and I am glad we did, it didn't seem like we just dropped her off. So far she calls everyday and is having a great time.

Hey Liane!

Sorry I've been AWOL. :) I posted in response to the other thread (Kathy S/son off to school) about our trip to Chapel Hill.

What I didn't mention in that post is that Chapel Hill is just fantastic, and Alex really does love the town. We'll be up there for Family Weekend the end of this month, and then we're coming up at the end of October again for a football game -- it would be great if I could meet you on one of our trips!

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-001.gif
I certainly hope we do get a chance to meet. It would be wonderful. Please just keep in touch. I'm going to Virginia Beach at the end of the month, but I'll meet you if I can, and certainly in October. I'm so glad I finally heard from you!
Hey Jo:

My daughter is a sophomore. Isn't it great how with cell phones and IM you can stay in touch daily :)

Hello Kathy:

Glad your son is enjoying Chapel Hill
We went through that last year and just recently took our DS back to college for his sophomore year. The first time was hard and I shed some tears, but as one poster said, cell phones are great! He called when he felt the need and when the calls got fewer and fewer I figured he had adjusted pretty well. One suggetion/opinion, if you don't mind: don't be a helicopter parent (the hovering type). Let him call, at the same time letting him know that he can call WHENEVER. It's so hard to let go, but everyone, kids and parents need it. this is not to say NEVER call, just not daily!!! I think that if kids know they can call, IM (although most think that IMing parents is weird :) , and/or come home when they feel the need, they are fine. Just MHO! Leslie
Hi Leslie!


Thanks for the suggestions and my gosh, I don't mind ANY at all! Everything you say and suggest is pretty much inline with what we have instinctively been doing. We just recently heard the term "helicopter parents" for the first time, and we are trying very hard not to do that -- which, so far, hasn't been hard because he calls home a couple of times a day. :)

Today was a big breakthrough day for him, I think -- just a mom's sixth sense. He had classes (UNC was in session today for complicated reasons) and he loved them, and he ran into several people he knew so he reported feeling that happy sense of belonging and connection. And tonight he's been invited to watch football with one of the fraternities that's rushing him pretty hard.

You're so right, when the cell phone calls start to taper off I'll know he's really coming out of the adjustment tunnel, and at the same time it'll be another little adjustment for us, not hearing from him so much.

My younger son just popped into my study to tell me that he just had an IM session with his brother, who signed off when the frat guys came to pick him up. I'm with you -- I think it would be MORE than a little weird if he IM'd me and DH! :)

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-001.gif

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