Just wanted thank you all again for your kind words, and for being here. This is truly an awesome place we have here.
Yes Pinky, that Marla is amazing. Not only has she guided me so far, she has become a very dear friend and confidant. I cannot wait to meet her in person. (sniff sniff)
Marcia, in the beginning I was working out 2x a day. Now I think I'm on my 3rd rotation. I've done Butts n Gutts, Upper Body Bliss, and I'm currently doing the August 04 rotation. I don't work out 2x anymore, but I do workout in the morning and usually powerwalk also for 45 min. to an hour 3 or 4 days a week weather permitting.
Yes I eat VERY clean. High protein, low carb, (no white starches), no sugar, no eating 3 hours before bed, and I try not to have many carbs after 3pm. When I'm following that, the weight seems to fall off.
You guys are all amazing. I'm just glad to have met you all and be a part of this forum.
http://www.3fatchicks.com/weight-tracker/img/bar-retro/cartoonblob01/lb/175/130/144/.png[/img] [/url]