Wendy - ? on Low Max


Did this workout work for you? I'm trying to figure out what workouts I should add to my collection. I think around month 4 or so I'll get Body & Basic Fusion. I hope Low Max is doable, though I am sssooooo not cordinated so I'm hoping I can "get it". Anyway your thoughts would be great. :)
Hi Julie.

I found lowmax (with out the blasts) to be perfect for me right now! The choreography can be tricky so it's best to familiarize yourself with Cathe's choreography first. Basic Step and Body Fusion is where I started too and it was PERFECT! Once I mastered them I found it MUCH easier to pick up on *most* of Cathe's more intricate moves. I am no "choreography queen", and do not consider myself one to pick up moves quickly but I have done okay for myself. :) Just don't be afraid to hit "rewind" or to break down a work out into sections and learn it piece by piece if you think that will make it easier for you...;-)

Practice makes perfect so don't give up!!!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


thx for sharing about Low Max... I'm a brand new prego and like most new moms/Cathe-ites am majorly obsessing about what i should and shouldn't do... i think taking a break from IMAX seems to be the universal advice...ironically, I bought Low Max last mnth just incase I ended up pregnant.... DH and I are newlyweds and hadn't even really begun trying seriously yet... so anyway, 30 days and 2 little pink lines later, I'm glad I bought it :) pls let me know if there are any addtl Cathe's workouts you prefer to do.... i'm assuming it's okay to do almost anything in moderation during the first trimester... 1st dr visit sched in 2 wks.
Hey I'm one day ahead of you ;-) ! I'm excited to see someone here who is due the same time! Oh and congrats to you and your DH!:)
congrats to you too julie! and i must admit, my due date is still a guess... i've only calculated it on websites... some places say 11/1, some say 11/9... you may be a bit farther along than me after all, but well, we're still close enough... best of luck to you and DH, and I hope to see you around on the boards so we can continue to encourage each other ;) take care!
My rule of thumb for my works outs is if it is possible to modify, then I can do it. I no longer do the high itensity moves/jumping nor do I do any weight training/ab work in the supine position (I use an incline). I stopped both of these after the 1st trimester. From the beginning I paid attention to how I feel during cardio because I do not want to become breathless. Beyond that....do whatever work out you want to do! As long as you can modify it for the safety of you and your baby during pregnancy you can do anything you want to do. Lowmax is great though coz if you do the step premix there really isn't any modification needed.

I don't know if you have asked your doc about exercising yet, but make sure you mention it just to be on the safe side....:)


Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!



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