Wendy, a question?

NOOOOOOOO silly, I think that there is nothing in this world like your 1st pregnancy. I have a 15 month old son and I feel like I was pregnant 10 years ago. It is the most blessful, empowering feeling in the world knowing that you have a little person growing inside you that you will always know 9 months longer than anyone else. Try to enjoy every part of this journey even the yucky days. keep me posted!
LOL!! Wendy

I have to butt in on Marys thread here

To me, you appear quiet the OPPOSITE to nervous and obsessive

If you hadnt mentioned weeks ago, this was your first child, I would have wondered too!

Here you are exercising to CATHE of all people, blowing up Stability balls (god knows what eles you havent mentioned) and giving very knowledgable advice next door in the pregnancy forum............you dont SOUND like a "first time Mum" to be.................but you going to be a FANTASTIC one never the less.


I love the feeling that pregnancy has given me! Sure pregnancy has it's issues but the feelings I have in my heart for this little guy that I haven't actually even met yet are amazing! 9 months of being uncomfortable is a small price to pay for what is being created inside of me! I am PROUD of my belly and was so happy when it finally "popped" out!:)

Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

Have a great work out!

Due Date: 5/19/05


Hi Marion.

You are so sweet! Thank you so much!:)

I am actually quite nervous...maybe obsessive is not accurate but I definately nervous! lol I have taken well to being pregnant so that is really not an issue for me (I owe that to my mom-we talk alot about how her pregnancies went and how I am doing and she has inspired me and given me lots of good advice!)...I *am* nervous though about labor/delivery but most of all about being responsible for this little,innocent life I have created. Scares me to death to be honest but at the same time, I can't wait!!

As far as the exercise goes...I guess I just have a strong will to keep moving and stay healthy. I had been working out for over 2 years already when I found out I was pregnant so I knew I'd want to continue...I ofcourse pay extra attention to how I feel during my work outs now so as not to overdo it. As far as Cathe goes...well, lol, I just happened to make that discovery after I got pregnant...the timing stinks in a way but I am sooo happy that I found her!(and this forum!)I have a renewed passion for exercise and it feels wonderful even if I can't give it 100% at the moment!:D

I sincerely hope I am a good mom...I am lucky because I have a great support system within my family and friends that I can turn to if I have any questions and I am so thankful for that!

And thank you again for the kind words! Your post made me feel really good! :)

Have a great work out!

Due Date: 5/19/05


hi Wendy,

I just read your post and I also want to tell you not to worry too much about labor. After my son was born my doctor told me that I would have to have a c-section for my next delivery due to the size of my son, and I was crushed. I loved giving birth, dont get me wrong there ofcourse was pain involved but the process was something I would want to do again in a heart beat. Keep me posted!!

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