<--- Well, I'm that kid in the corner...


<--- waves a happy Friday to all
<--- has been up since 4 with cramps
<--- is a bit groggy
<--- couldn't hold her tongue on a certain person this morning
<--- wants today to go by quickly
<--- hopes everyone is doing as well as they can be
<--- will bbl
<--- has a drawing from Sophie and will scan it at work and submit it for comments
<--waves to Shelley.
<--has been up since 4am as well with this nasty cold so knows how Shelley feels. :-(
<--saw the post that Shell is referring too. }(
<--can't wait to see Sophie's masterpiece!
<--feels like cr@p.
<--needs more coffee.
<--:7 :7 :7
<--would gladly add the arrow smiley but <--needs to know where to find it??
<--wonders what Shelley is trying to imply about <--??:p :7 :p :7
<--waves a quick goodmornning to shelley and wendy and those that follow
<--is off to work
<--still has DOMS
<--seriously thought cathe was trying to kill her last night
<--did ultra cardio blast on Drill max<--yikes
<--hope everyone has a great friday
<--hand over some ibuprofen and a hot pack to shelley
<--Hope wendy gets better soon
<--sends them get better vibes
<--will be back later
<--waves to Melissa.
<--sees that Melissa is wacky too!:7
<--thanks Mel for the get well wishes.
<--hopes they work!:)
<---waves good morning
<---sends some healthy vibes to Wendy
<---hugs my favorite mouthy poster
<---thinks Shelley always hits the nail right on the head
<---can't wait to see Sophies's design
<---waves goodmorning to Melissa
<---is almost packed for weekend trip
<---is a little bummed, since Aunt Flo (who disappeared for over 10 months) has returned
<---wonders if having a baby in the house cause a hormonal surge in my tired old ovaries?
<---says the rest of the body is tired today too, because said baby woke up at 1:30 and cried until 4
<---will need lots of coffe this morning
<--waves good morning to Robin and offers her the golden pot.
<--tells her to grab and IV line and start pumpin' that caffeine in!}(
<--just had kashi golean waffles for first time ever and has this to say about them...:9 :9 :9 !
<--waves morning to Shelly, Wendy, Melissa, and Robin!!
<--Sends warm chicken noodle soup to Wendy
<--sends Pamprin to Shelly
<--is excited that Sophie has finished the drawing and can't wait to see it!!
<--has major chest DOMS from GS CT yesterday
<--is so glad today is REST!!
<--hopes Robin has a great trip to Philly
<--is excited about mmm mmmmmm sign ups
<--wonders if Shelly offered SO favors?

Catherine http://www.smileyhut.com/silly/arrowhead.gif

<---waves good morning to Shelley, Robin, Wendy, Melissa, Catherine and all who follow
<---hopes everyone has a fun weekend planned
<---bets Greyor was cute as a button in his ski-pro tee shirt
<---and DH both have this weekend off!
<---wonders how Tammy, Meg and Judy are doing
<---hopes Beavs shows up soon to pass the teapot
<---will bbl after <---is more presentable (ie at least a shower):)
<---waves a happy Friday to everyone
<---thinks Aunt Flo is making the rounds
<---wishes she'd just go way and stay gone
<---needs to find that certain post }(
<---hopes Wendy feels better soon
<---is very, very glad it's Friday
<---is going to make a concentrated effort to sleep in tomorrow
<---is pooped
<---will try to stop by later, ladies!
<--Says Good Morning Ladies
<--bets everybody is watching clock for sign-ups!
<--told DH yesturday that wishes didn't live so far away,maybe<--could go!:-(
<--is a little shy around big crowds,but would love to meet everybody!
<--weighed this morning and lost 4.2 lbs in one week?<--don't know how!<--well,will confess did weight in my b-day suit;-) ;-) !
<--sending energizing vibes to Shelly and who ever who needs them:7!
<--Is going to yard sales today and loves it!
<--Ds woke up every couple of hours talking baby talk<--doesn't think its cute at 2am!
<--Hopes everybody has a ggggggreat day!
<--can't always check in like<--wants to so will try to bbl!
<--is glad is not the cause of Shelley's ire
<--didn't truly believe she is a music snobbola ;-)
<--hopes Aunt Flo shows mercy
<--of course has the teapot ready and passes it to homegirl MSY
<--knows how Melissa feels about Cathe's murderous tendencies
<--thought Tig was already officially wacky ;-)
<--relates to Catherine's DOMS with a few of her own in her calves
<--hopes Mr. G will show mercy and let Robin sleep tonight
<--sends Shannon zzzzzzzzzz vives
<--tells Amelia that <--is hoping to go to mmmm-mmmmm and is admittedly nervous
<--hopes Amelia aka A3 will consider making the trip
<--wonders if <-- will get a mm-mmmmm nametag that says Beavs hardy har har
<--waves to all who follow
<--LOL at beaves cause considered putting,aka-A3 in signature so everybody would remember who I am!
<--Tells beavs that I would be nervous too,but at the same time very excited about going<--hopes beaves and everybody has a gggggreat time!:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7
<--Waves bye for now!
<---yells "It's FRRRRRRIDAY!!!!" :D
<---yells louder "It's the day we sign up for the mmm-mmmm!!!!" :D :D
<---is obviously uber-excited about that
<---thanks Shelley profusely for her perfectly-worded reply to a certain someone
<---was thinking the same thing, but didn't quite know how to say it
<---wonders why people would come on this forum just to bitch and complain all the time
....but enough about that
<---can't wait to see Sophie's design!
<---hopes poor Wendy feels better soon
<---hands Wendy some Sudafed/Robitussin/NyQuil/insert cold drug here
<---is really impressed with Melissa's workout last night
<---doesn't have the guts to try that one! :eek:
<---is sending Robin some "Aunt Flo Be Gone!" vibes
<---agrees with Wendy that Kashi Go-Lean waffles are da bomb diggity
<---is jealous of Catherine's DOMS
<---hopes MSY is more presentable now ;)
<---tells Shannon that <--- would like to sleep in tomorrow too
<---congratulates Shannon on the lost pounds
<---has found Shannon's lost pounds on <---'s butt :p
<---wonders if Beavs could pass the teapot over this way too :9
<---is actually going to go get some tea right now
<---will be back in a bit! :)
<---waves goodmorning to Shelley, Wendy, Melissa, Robin, Catherine, MSY, Shannon, Amelia {poster formerly known as A3}, and Beavs!
<---hands some motrin and heating pads to all the crampy ladies this morning
<---still has a few more weeks of freedom before Aunt Flo makes a visit
<---is exhausted from a night of dreaming that <--- was at work
<---says she works enough without doing even more overtime in her dreams...
<---is so excited about the mmm mmmmm sign-up today
<---knows she will not get much of anything done this morning waiting to sign up
<---hopes Wendy Feels better soon and that Shannon is able to sleep in tomorrow
<---tells Amelia she wishes she could go yard sale shopping with her
<---would much rather be doing that than working!
<---is glad that Catherine & Beavs are going to the mmm mmmmm
<---is sad though that Shelley isn't and that Amelia is too far away!
<---needs to muster up some energy to make it through job at the office followed by closing at the restaurant tonight
<---plans to sleep in tomorrow!
<---hopes everyone's Friday is going wonderful and will BBL

<---edits to say HI to Emily!
<--passes the big ol' teapot to Emily
<--waves to Liann
<--is off to polish <--'s pecs, down some steroids, and buff up <--'s giant muscles in preparation for the mmm-mmmmm

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