WELCOME from Coordinators to 2007 Road Trippers!

RE: Got my Roomie...

> I just did a wine dinner (fund raiser) for my girlfriend who
>recently lost her mom to brain cancer - unlike you, instead of
>exercising for 3 days, I was pouring wine, but all for the
>good of the cause!

I don't want to hijack the thread, Tracey, but I have to ask about the wine dinner/fund raiser you did. My daughter (7 years old) is raising money for her third year running the Make-a-Wish Triathlon and a wine dinner sounds like a great way to hit up our friends for donations while also giving them something as well. Can you tell me what you did? If you want to keep it off the thread, feel free to email me at [email protected].


RE: Got my Roomie...

Awww - thanks Tracey! I'm glad your MIL is doing well! Very sweet of you to host your dinner - never underestimate the importance of pouring wine!

I agree with Shelley - it would be awesome to have you and Cathe lead a class - or at least a few segments together - pure exercise bliss!

Never one to be shy about asking - if anyone wants to donate on my page it would help in my bet with my DH. If I can raise the funds (you have to raise a minimum of $2200) by Easter, he has to join the 3-day crew and schlep for these 2000 walking women for 3 days - HA!

Can't wait till August!


I'll be walking the Komen 3-day (60 miles) the week after Cathe's RT. Here's my webpage.

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