WeightWatchers WEDNESDAY 11/15 Checkins

I back! I had an almost perfectly wonderful afternoon!! The only thing that was a glitch was that it poured rain all day!!!

Anyway, the facial was lots of fun. I used to go to this girl every month, but she stopped working for a while, so I stopped getting them. The last time I saw her was over a year go, so she was super shocked and psyched up about all the changes in my body! She was gushing about all my muscles and was wondering if I had a personal trainer. I told her that I had one at home.....Cathe!!!

Today was Imax warm up and Rhythmic step. It felt great because the last time I did this was Halloween, the day I started getting sick! I wanted to do some abs from B&G, but ran out of time. I am one of those that once the shower is done, no more working out happens...even if I plan to do it in the evening.!

Sandra- I hope that the cookie wasn't too ground into the carpet!!!

Traci- How are you liking the recovery drink and the bars?? I really liked the taste of them, especially the drink (like a creamsicle!!)

X- Congratulations!!! Keep up the great work!

Marcia- Welcome Back, girl!! We missed you!!

I ordered some fiber bars off the internet last week that I read about. Gnu Foods... anyway, they came today and I dug into the Orange-Cranberry. OMG!!! They are so yummy that I had to really stop myself from digging into another one!! (They have 48 gm of fiber per bar!) They have Chocolate brownie, Banana Walnut, and Cinnamon Raisin. Man, are they tasty!!!
Hey gang... okay let me see if I can get a few personals... today isn't as wild and wooly as yesterday but I still find I am running out of time before bed to get all I need to get done finished....

Marcia - welcome back!! I made LifeTime last night but NO WAY I'm giving up the meetings! I am going to need them if I want to stay LifeTime!

Traci - I am loving the November rotation. I love the constant exposure to these workouts. It has been very conducive to learning them well. My goal, as always, is just to keep the pressure on the old body... I tend to focus more on LB since that is my problem area but my UB strength has suffered some but I am afraid the take the focus off the butt! It has a way of mishaving when I'm not keeping the full court press on! }(

Teddygirl - let me know how you like Cardio Fusion if you decide to do that one. I thought is was awesome and I burned 669 calories in that 75 minutes!

Claude - enjoy your dinner tonight. I am wondering if some of the oldies will be "easier" (never easy) after I finish the Nov rotation with the new workouts.

Buffy - good job staying OP. Hopefully this week will be better for me.

Sandra - I PM'ed you. I did get the little key. I have it on my keychain with my other charm for meeting goal and 10%. I'll try inserting those bonus segments next time also to pre-exhaust. Oh my... little Katie is getting adventurous! She must see mama grate things in the kitchen.

Cheryl - I love B&G also.

X - WOOHOO on the 2 pound loss! Feels good doesn't it?! I like that combo you did today, I'm writing it down.

Amy - I hope you enjoyed your facial. Be safe tonight... I don't know if that storm system will get to you where you are in Florida. It is suppose to sweep through NC with a vengeance and I'm not looking forward to it (tornados!!) Holy cow... 48 gms. of fiber per bar! I'll have to check those out!

I think I got everyone. I've got to go get some more things done and then bedtime for yet another early 4 a.m. wakeup in the morning.


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