

Hi Educated Crowd:I have about 25 pounds to lose.Lately I seem like I have willpower in the food dept.3 years ago before I got married I tried the Atkins diet and lost 20 pounds.But I went back to my old eating habits and the rest is history.Atkins seems like a good short term solution but I can't live that way.I have been thinking of trying WW,BFL,or BodyRx.Which one would you ladies think is the best you tried? ~Linda~
I don't know that I would classify myself as part of the educated crowd, but I will share my experience with you. Since September of 2002 I have lost a total of 20 pounds using Weight Watchers. It has not been hard to maintain so far. I signed up on line(www.weightwatchers.com), because I really just needed the program. Some people are greatly helped my actually going to the meetings. The thing that I like about Weight Watchers is you stay in a daily point range based on you height and weight. You earn points for excercise and can "save" points if you know you will be going out to eat. It is very miticulous at first, but once you learn the program, you get very familiar with what you should be eating and how much a serving is. Another thing I like is no food is off limits. I think I am one that if I totally cut something out I will eventually give in and "pig out" so to speak. When I first got on Weight Watchers I wrote down every little morsal that I put in my mouth. I teach and there are always gifts of food. The week I started on Weight Watchers parents brought in Godiva chocolate, homemade apple pie, Publix birthday cake, and on and on. When I started writing down everything I ate, it made me think of all the "bites" I ate in any given day and how much junk I was actually eating. I would begin to eat something and realize that I needed to write it down and that in itself stopped me from eating! Weight Watchers really helped me see how much junk I was eating and it helped me make better choices food wise. The healthier you eat on Weight Watchers, the more you can eat.
Also, Weight Watchers has a way of balancing itself out. There were some days, especially in the beginning, when I didn't make such good choices, but instead of kicking myself, I would get right back to the program by my next meal. I used to think, Oh I blew it at lunch today and use that as an excuse to blow the rest of the day. Weight Watchers helped me realize okay I could have made a better choice at lunch today, but I did great this morning, I have healthy snacks planned, and I will eat a healthy dinner. All the many good decisions far out"weigh" the sometimes not so good decisions and the weight came off. I am sold on Weight Watchers. It is A LOT of work at first, but I feel I have found something that I can use for life!

I think the important thing is finding something you think you can live with and stick with it. I think people can look at most plans and know, wow, this will probably work for me or not. I know I can't permanently restrict certain foods. I feel that Weight Watchers is a really balanced program. Also, it is not rapid wieght loss which messes up your metabolism and is usually a loss of water weight and muscle.

Good luck in deciding on what is right for you!
I agree with Angela in that the most important thing is finding somehting you can stick with! Also finding something you like is important too!!! I have had many friends to WW with huge success.

I also have to throw a vote in for BFL I am currently on the BFL program and have seen better results in less than 2 weeks than I did the past 2 months working out twice as many hours a day previously! I personally think it is something I can stick to. You may want to at least look at it.

I also think another key is not "tweaking" the program to fit your personal interests. I posted a thread on this the other day. I have recently realized part of my problem is I have taken a little bit from many different programs and done my own thing. I never have just stuck to a program and not "tweaked". Anyway, this ties right back into finding something you like and can stick with.

You might want to check out the following website as I think it has a lot of good info. on the BFL program and just general nutrition/exercise guidelines http://www.hussman.org/fitness/

Good luck!
Angela and FitNut:Thank you for the info.I think I'll check both of these programs out.I do know some women at work that have great results with WW.I also have the BFL book,which I purchased last year but never followed the program.The book does show great physical changes.I just have to set a date and get my fanny in gear.Thanks again for the websites too.~Linda~
Wow! Thanks for that info Angela!! I just joined Weight Watchers Online and I am totally excited!!!!



The key to weight loss is how to learn to live with your favorite foods, everything being in moderation. Weight Watchers is built on the idea.

I have lost 85 pounds over the last 2 years with WW. I haven't had to deprive myself of any food to be successful. If you enjoy food, I think that WW is the best way to go.

Good luck with whatever choice you make. It is a lifestyle change, do it slowly so that you don't overwhelm yourself.


Mikkami77 - Wow! You look fabulous! Glad that WW is working for you. I have always wanted to give it a try but never have. Maybe sometime. Right now I am stuck on BFL>

BTW, how did you get your virtual model? Is there a site to do this? It is way cool!!!! :+
Mikkame:You should be very proud of yourself.You've done a great job.Good luck for your future goal.I've been checking out the WW site today to see if this is the way to go for me.~Linda~

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